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Everything posted by Kevan

  1. http://www.novaxguitars.com/Pages/generalinfo_frame.html I have a fanned fret neck on my "Texas Tele". It's *very* comfortable to play, but takes a few runs up and down the board when you switch over from standard frets. I'm sure a more professional player would have an easier time....like Rusty. The two scale lengths on my Tele are: Low E: 25.5" High E: 24.75" Novax has bridges, bodies, necks and entire guitars available. They also license their system (I think it's $75 per neck....something like that). It's a cool setup, and definitely different.
  2. Kevan

    Top Wood

    Whether he has the money or not, doesn't matter. If you think he's full of BS, don't post. If you think it's simply a cry for attention, don't post. If you think he's for real, post something positive. When was the last time you learned something through negativity? Is this really that hard, or is everyone just that pissed off? (Cam- I'm not anyone's hero.)
  3. Frenzy- glad things worked out. We all dug your tutorial, and it's cool you're gonna hang out to toss us all the cool info you've got. It's appreciated, by me and the rest of the site (even the lurkers). Eddie- Not a bad idea. I'll chat it over with Brian and see what we can come up with. I was thinking just a clearer topic title for each, but...we'll check into it. A "Flea Would Love These" sub-topic could work as well. (BTW- it's "puss!es". LOL) We're not gonna do a ton of changes all at once, so everyone can relax. I'm still working on the list of things we'd like to get accomplished. Some things we will give you guys a heads-up on (like the sigs), and some will just happen magically overnight. If there are rule changes, it will be posted in Announcements. If someone is looking for very specific info, they should first use the Search feature. On this site, it works great. In the begining it was easy to rift thru the topics quick to find what you were looking for. Now, with *SO MANY* posts and kickass projects completed and in progress, it's a lot easier to let the computer find the info for you. Brian, myself, and the other Mods will do our best to keep it organized, but again, some stuff will inevitably slip thru. Let us know and we'll get it to the right spot. Drak- you *should* come to Jemfest. Lots of kickazz players, lots of kickazz guitars, but we could use a few more tech guys. :-D
  4. Bingo. Thanks Wes. The InProgress topic will remain as is. I'm not sure why that one is pinned, but I'll check with Brian and the other Mods and see wassabi with it. Drak's got the right idea, but if ANY member sees something kooky or in the wrong topic area or whatever, please let an Admin or Mod know about it. We try like hell to check every thread, every hour of every day, but sometimes stuff slips through. As stated a couple of times thus far, the threads will remain as threads (in chronological order), until it's time for them to become a full-on tutorial. Then the TUTORIAL will be cleaned up, but not until it's time to move it. The original topic will remain open, untouched, for all questions and comments. The TUTORIAL will be on the main site; the ORIGINAL THREAD will remain on the Forum. The TUTORIAL will have a link to the ORIGINAL THREAD. I'll make a map if anyone needs one....
  5. If you guys can come up with a better way, we'd love to hear it.
  6. WHOA! Someone throw that boy a life preserver....he's WAY overboard. On second though, call the Coast Guard...we're gonna need a bigger boat. (I watched Jaws the other night. LOL) Where did ANYONE lay down that rule? Please link us to it. I totally missed it. You're missing my (and I think Dave's) point. 5 pages of project progress and then 15 pages of atta-boy's is what we're talking about (correct me if I'm wrong Dave). We LOVE seeing praise from other members about a member's project. That's what makes this site so cool. I'd love to see 700 pages of atta-boys, as long as the first pages contain the info. What we're going to CLEAN UP are the posts related to the project, and put them all in line with the rest of the info....and *leave* all the back pats at the end of the thread (chronology might hinder this sometimes, but you get the idea). Frenzy- cool idea with the link.
  7. That's a great point, Dave. Threads like the one you pointed out will (eventually) get cleanded up and archived. All those back pats have to hurt after a while. :-) With so many kickass guitar/bass/amp builders on this site, it's gonna take a while to get them all cleaned up. Hey Darren- how come you didn't send me those stamps when I was a Mod back on 'that other site'? I REALLY could have used them. LMAO
  8. Kevan

    Top Wood

    Yep. Before you hit "Add Reply", re-read what you just typed and ask youself if you're being helpful and offering the best of your knowledge. If you are, then great. We'll all take it in. If you're not, then edit your post or simply don't reply. It's a pretty simple setup. TrueRussian- We've all seen how much the wood costs, and Cam said he was cool with that. He's not getting screwed. He knows the cost up-front. It's his money and he's going to spend it however he wants. Slamming him with saying how many extra lawns he's gonna have to mow, or spam his body on the street corner is *NOT* a helpful suggestion. Also, if he doesn't take your advice, DO NOT TAKE IT AS A SLAM AGAINST YOU. He made a decision (hopefully with some help from the members here), and that's that. End. Done. Fin.
  9. LOL....save that one for special occasions, Darren.
  10. I don't believe this to be true at all. The only people it will discourage from joining us here are those that simply want to be jagoffs online. We're here to work on our projects and help others with theirs, using this Forum as a medium to pass our knowledge back and forth. We're not here to slam people because they got their hair cut a little short, or do 10 pages of who's the hottest non-hottie ever, or debate whether some political candidate is even remotely qualified to run for pubilc office in the first place. If you need a place to vent, there are hundreds (thousands?) of other guitar-based forums that not only allow that, but some even encourage it. If you want to throw the proverbial ball, you'll need to go outside. How about these scenarios: You're working on your project and want to ask the members what they think about YYYY bridge versus QQQQQ bridge. Dan Erlewine stops by to check out the thread. He'd like to post something, but he can't because there are 8 pages on how the banana avatar looked better than the new one. Lisa Sharken wanted to drop in a few kind words on your LP project, but she doesn't have time to sort thru 4 pages of garbage. Ok, the chances that Dan and Lisa will actually come here and post about our projects is pretty slim, but I do know that they read a lot of stuff online and help out folks when they can. They're more likely to do it in a place that's clean and professional, than in a place that looks like a Jeff Spicoli's room. We're not trying to limit your speech or take away any fun. We're trying to get everyone focused on why they're here in the first place- to work on guitars.
  11. I don't mean for it to come across as a limiting of free speech. What we're trying to do is improve the Forum and make it better for everyone. "F-ing this" and "C-ing that" in posts does nothing but bring the Forum down in character and intelligence. Setting up language guidelines is pretty painless for everyone. It also helps with the new folks who don't want to filter thru all the swearing just so they can get to the info they're looking for. Clean and professional, that's what we're going for. I'm pretty sure that's what you are all looking for as well. And I'm certainly not going to castrate anyone for asking legit questions. PM's are like email. Say what you please; type what you want. Just be sure to read it twice before you hit "Send". :-) Further clarification about what can be said on TV: For those outside the USA, please check Litchfield's notes about the networks in the US. Thank you.
  12. Kevan

    Top Wood

    Then stop posting. Let him set his money afire and stop throwing fire extinguishers at him. If you don't have anything positive to say, then click "back" and select a different topic. Keep doing that until you find a topic where you do have something positive to add.
  13. Watch 1 hour of NBC. Take notes. Watch 1 hour of ABC. Take notes. Watch 1 hour of CBS. Take notes. Those are all the words you can use. Clear? Good.
  14. He has a point here. Also this thread violated what brian posted the other day here. For the cynical crowd, let's clarify a few things. "Clean language" means what you can say on a major television network. 'Damn' and 'Hell' are pretty much the limits. If Brian or I see or hear about a possible infraction, the person will get ONE warning, and their post will be edited. There is no second warning; only a nice break where you can read-only. Just be cool and don't make us turn on the language filter, ok? Thanks. Litch- the more attention you draw to her, the closer she is to going bye-bye. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........
  15. I'd tell my mom to chill (and even give her a 30 day vacation) if she was running 100 smilies per post. Plus, Sacred is cool and pretty smart. I'm sure she'll understand. hehehe As DLR says in 'Sensible Shoes': "That's right...he knows, he knows!" LOL Nah...maybe "Admin From The Hades Area". :-) Not sure about the avatar thing right now so it will remain (though Litch's Ace-chick freaks me out a little. LOL). We have talked about the "Specialist Titles" before, and think that might be something to implement in the very near future. I'll search for the topic where we talked about doing that.
  16. We'll work on a full list of updates and changes, but here's a quick one that the veteran members can help us with. Signatures: Your signature is to be text only. Pics/banners are big bandwitdth hogs, and take up a lot of "screen real estate". When you're searching for the metric screw size of Wilkinson saddle screws, you don't want to have to scroll for days. So, for now...here's how it works: Text only signatures. 2 lines max. You may have a non-business link in your signature. You may have a business link in your signature if you are a site sponsor (as determined by Brian). We'll give everyone until the end of the month (19 days) to get their new signature situated. As of Sept. 1, 2004, if your signature doesn't comply with the above, we will remove the signature. Smilies: USE SOME SELF-CONTROL, PEOPLE! 25 smilies across a line is completely out of control. One works just fine. The menu is there to help you choose; not help you populate. (Drak- we'll let you slide on this one because you posted before I got this up. LOL) If you folks have questions or concerns, email me or catch me on IM and we'll discuss it. Thanks for helping out with the changes here on the Forum. It's appreciated.
  17. Ok folks. First off, thanks to Brian for many great years as a friend, and a major supporter of Jemfest. The admin thing is not as cake as it sounds (just ask Brian), so I know he's glad to get the help. Brian and I have talked about this for the last few months, and now it's happening. He and I are going to do some 'house cleaning' here. We're going to get this Forum a little cleaner, and more 'professional' so it can further gain the respect it deserves in the guitar community, and so we can help out more folks with projects just like yourselves. You'll notice that the Rant Section is now set to 'Read Only'. It's going to stay that way until further notice. For now, the Off-Topics section will remain open. But, as always, KEEP THE LANGUAGE CLEAN, and try not to waste too much bandwidth with silly topics. It's appreciated. We're folks who work on guitars (and basses, and amps) here. Let's show the rest of the internet how it's done. Thanks everyone.
  18. Kevan

    Top Wood

    THIS is an example of a good post. Read it. Learn it. Live it. (Good work, Silvertone).
  19. Kevan

    Top Wood

    Do the math folks.....do you *really* want me in here for this thread? Think long and hard about what you typed (or are about to type). There are 5 pages of veteran members being jagoffs to a newbie. You guys all know the rules, and you've all broken them. Another infraction from anyone (new or old) and I'll start dishing out 30 day vacations.....right after I take you apart in this thread. Are we clear? More To The Point: If Camcool wants to spend $5000 on 2lbs. of wood, LET HIM. Don't tell him to get Quicken and call Ditech.com. It's his money; let him spend it how he wants. ....and.... We're here to HELP others with our projects; not brow-beat them because they chose something difficult off the bat. If people didn't try new/difficult things, we'd all be customizing our Rickenbackers. SUGGESTIONS are welcome. IDEAS are welcome. Negativity is NOT welcome.
  20. A special treat for my PG.com buddies: "Mr. Smith-type" backplate: http://www.tremol-no.com/images/mistersmithbackplate1.jpg Complete (I think) dims of the backplate for the 'doctor-lawyer guitars'. I'm thinking this might be the 2nd Gen. version. Someone correct me if there are other (earlier) versions of trem cavity cover plates for these guitars. It's damn hard to do backplate dims over IM.
  21. I drew up a cool DN wiring diagram, but I don't remember what I did with it. LOL I wired up my JEM77FP-DN with the ability to go: UP- Top neck only MIDDLE- Both necks on DOWN- Bottom neck only Switch: 3PDT The Top Neck has it's own pickup selector (3-way mini-toggle) for the H-x-S config. The Bottom Neck has standard JEM wiring with an OTAX-VLX91 swtich. If I find the diagram, I'll send it to Brian for posting in the Archives. It'll at least be a good starting point for others.
  22. Reason #1 Why You Shouldn't Steal Pics From Tremol-No.com: http://www.soft.com.sg/new/modules.php?nam...iewtopic&p=6281 EDIT- The admin of the site above was cool enough to edit out the hotlinks to the pics and apologize. Seems like a nice enough guy. For those of you that missed it, here's the full size image of what I replaced the pics with: http://www.tremol-no.com/images/endorseepics/lgm.jpg
  23. New backplate images are up! If you guys see any dimensions missing or incorrect, let me know.
  24. Hey all! Updated Products page and FAQ. New pics up in the Endorsees section. Of particular note is Jim Donahue. If you're a member here, he's the guy you look up to. Jim brought us everything from the JEM to the S-series to the Artcore. His 15+ years at Ibanez really did revolutionize the guitar world. The quote from him means a great deal to me. Another one you folks might like is Darren Johansen...the swirl master himself. :-) The pic of Atlanta guitar phenom Mike Martin is up, and a new uber-psycho one of the incredible Bob Oakman. I'm working on all-new back plate templates for the site. They should be up in the next hour or so. If anyone has the dims on a PRS tremolo cavity cover, I'd appreciate the help. Thanks for all the support guys. We're gonna have it to you ASAFP!
  25. Thanks for the welcome back, Brian. You'll have to come to one of the shows sometime. It's a lot of fun (and don't forget to send me the new pic for the site!). Darren is our winner! Be sure to give him a big pat on the back when you see him next time. :-) Darren- I'll get ya a "Tremol-No Equipped!" sticker. How's that sound? It's the only swag I have right now. Will Ray and Jerry Donahue were at the booth next to us (G&L Guitars) on Fri. and Sat. VERY nice guys, and MONSTER players. I didn't want to play 'fan boy', but with Mr. Ray so close....I just had to. LOL Jim Donahue and Darren Johansen (long-time friends) came by the booth to say hey, and we hung out for a little while. Jim's got some great stories from his 15+ years at Ibanez bringing us everything from the RG & JEM to the S-series to the JetKing, and Darren is just plain funny (he's a comedian on the side)...plus, he can swirl ANYTHING. :-P Darren joined us for dinner on Sat. night. The guy has an infectious laugh. The Winter NAMM show is in January. I'm not sure of the dates, but you can check namm.org for more info. It is NOT open to the public, so be sure to get your badge early. There's about a 90% chance I'll be out in Anaheim again this coming January. Be sure to stop by and say hi.
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