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Everything posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. Man Maiden that thing came out just deadly great looking finish I hope mine look's that rock hard after I use the black epoxy filler. What are you doing with the neck for a finish and what about that 1 screw hole on there are you going to fill it or just leave it alone?? !!METAL MATT!!
  2. Hey I don't want to highjack you thread but I think I should add this one in hear instead of starting a new thread I was just wondering if any one knows of a place where I can buy 8 string parts like a bridge and pickup's and all that, I could make the bridge myself but not the pickup's!! Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  3. Well Iam going to take some more pic's today to beter show what work I have left to do on this guitar these one's should be larger I will edit them in later today once the sun is up !!METAL MATT!!
  4. Holy crap xebryusguitars that's some deadly looking good work, This is going to be one great guitar, is this realy your first?? if so man good job!! I had an idea about your routering problem you may have thought of this all ready but hear it is, Like you said you could drill hole's where all your last route's where large enough to fit a small cuting router bit with a bearing at it's base, insert that in to the one of the hole's that you will be driling and let the router bit cut the new pockets in the top useing your old ones as jig's for the bit to fallow, And one more thing is that a gap in the top glue join or is that just glue run off?? hear's a link to what i'am talking about. If this is a gap you could inlay a strip of something to fill it all in, just an idea good luck man and good work!! http://community.webshots.com/photo/216506...230343051QdKVIr !!METAL MATT!!
  5. I just heard that this even happend I was almost in tears dimebag and pantera ment alot to me, this is a tragedy!! DIMEBAG YOU WHERE AND AND WILL FORVER BE MY HEAVY METAL GOD!! YOU WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!! !!METAL MATT!!
  6. Hey why don't you try [www.photobucket.com] It work's great and it's free just upload a pic and then copy the URL then paste it in with your post hear at the forum, I would love to see the stuff that you have made and your guitar look's deadly cant wait to see more pic's, maybe some of the top !!METAL MATT!!
  7. Ya I know but it's all I have to work with for now , but if the guitar work's out well I will try to use one of the neck's that iam working on and I will put it on this guitar Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  8. Well sorry about the time delay I just got a new camera and iam having a hard time geting it to work right, so I know that some of these pic's are bad and there realy small but it's the best I can do for now the guitar need's alot more work done to it so it look's a bit rough, it need's sanding and shaping and all that but hear's what I have done sofar Thanks. these pic's are of the whole thing neck and all but they are a bit fuzzy sorry http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10018.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10019.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10020.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10021.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10022.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10003.jpg This is the jack plate I just made and I realy like the way it came out. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10028.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10010.jpg Now hear are some pic's of the heal, I just want to show you guy's where iam at with this since iam not sure what shape I should use, I left the extra wood in there for when I did the neck pocket to avoid any tearout problems, it's need's alot of work!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10025.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10024.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10027.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10007.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10026.jpg And hear are some close up pic's of the guitar that show the rough shape that iam going for. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10003.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10008.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10029.jpg This is a close up pic of the back of the guitar. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10023.jpg This is a pic of the headstock. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/ZAD...ER/Dec10030.jpg Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  9. Ya sorry about that I ment that I guled the top on to the top of the back as for the electronics two custom made pickup's, the bridge pickup is puting out 20Kohms and the neck is pushing 14.50Kohms these thing sound like SCREAMING DEATH but in a good way I have also just made a custom jack plate for this guitar It look's like a two headed axe I'll post some pics today if I can!! !!METAL MATT!!
  10. Well I got a ton of work done last nite on the impaler, the neck pocket is done, top is glued on to the back, and It worked out deadly, and I got the top contor shape done for the top, now I have to make a pickup rout jig, and rout out the pickups and electronics cavitys but it's early now and I have to go to work but I will try to post some pic's later today. Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  11. I hope this will help you!!, this is how your string-thru bridge should work. EDIT:>hey mike this guy is useing the same bridge you are check out his post under [Guitar, Mark 1] !!METAL MATT!!
  12. Cool idea!! the design would need some tweaking but I can work with it thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  13. hey deadmike I,ve been working with string-thru bridge's since I started and It does not take long to change strings I think it's A hole lot faster then any trem style bridge but Iam not sure what you mean by [do you need to take the back panel off first?] !!METAL MATT!!
  14. Thank's that would be deadly, I realy like the 4+3 idea and I love the B.CRich style headstock's so If you want you can work with that, but do what you want and have fun with it. Well I would have some qustions for you like what design of mine do you like?, how many guitars do you sell in a year?, how would i submit desigs to your company?, would I still have the rights to what ever design I submited to your company?, how long has your company been around for?, would the guitars be built by hand by you?, sorry about all the qustions and I still have more I need to know these things so thanks for you time !!METAL MATT!!
  15. So what are you going to do with it hyunsu I hope you dont just through it away I would love to take it off your hand's You sure make great looking mistake's hyunsu !!METAL MATT!!
  16. Hey what do think of this one not sure if it what you want for the headstock but there's not alot of wood there for you to work with EDIT:>sorry I missed that last post but I just tryed doing a headstok like doyles with the wood that you have to work with, but It just did not look right to me I don't think you should do a flat out copy of doyles headstock but that's just me good luck. !!METAL MATT!!
  17. Hey man Look'en good sofar!! you could do some cool MOD'S to that headstock It wont be the same as doyles but it will look deadly, if you want I could try a few design's for you and if you like them feal free to use them and that bridge should work fine it realy goes with that guitar I cant waits to see this thing done!! !!METAL MATT!!
  18. Maiden look'en good man that thing is going to be deadly and thanks for the black epoxy info I will try that out!! So anyway how did you do that input jack that idea would be awsome for some of my guitars Thanks for all the help your work get's me thinking !!METAL MATT!!
  19. Hey Iam haveing a hard time with your headstock idea Iam not sure how to make it work maybe you could send me a pic of your idea so I have something to go off of, and is there any way you could make the design work for a 7-string Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  20. Well I went to the bank to see what I have to work with and there's just no way at this time that I can spend that much $$$$ right now if I did buy it I would have nothing for any thing else I need, I have 2 of my own guitars on the go right that still need some $$$ put in to them before there done I have enough if I can stay away from that awsome bridge to do this guitar as well and this one and the impaler must get done!! No if's and or but's about it 299$bridge 150$pickup EMG81 7-string [for me to get hear in saskatoon] 100$-175$for wood 30$-50$tuning machines 20$electronics=NO WAY !!METAL MATT!!
  21. Man that thing looks so deadly!! That bridge would work great with this guitar if only they made it in 7-string. !!FU#$@%K!! I dont know what to do now 6-string or 7-string. I love 7-string but this thing only come's in 6-string [Why Why]. I think Iam going to go with a 7-string I'll just have to work on the headstock a bit, But I realy like that bridge. !!METAL MATT!!
  22. Cool thanks for the link That bridge look's deadly no price yet but still cool!! But iam still wanting to build The DEATHVIPER as a 7-string so I'll keep working on the headstock,I like the design I have so I'll work with it Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  23. Hey wes do you know If that fixed bridge system comes in 7-string as well If so That would be deadly. Does any one have any pic's of a speedloader or maybe one in action that they could show me?? That might help me get some idea's. Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  24. EDIT:>hears a new pick with the planed changes what do you think??? Ya I know it need's some work but I think the design is sound.I'am thinking of makeing this one a 7-string but I'am not sure where to mount the tuning mahines so that I don't need string tree's anyone have any idea's Thanks !!METAL MATT!!
  25. Well I came up with this after I got of work what do you think. !!METAL MATT!!
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