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Mr Natural

GOTM Winner
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Posts posted by Mr Natural

  1. on my body template, I needed to cut a perfect circle in the middle where the rotating pickup housing will be. My circle cutting attachment for my router wasnt small enough, the attachment for my dremel router base was too large as well. Ended up drilling a small hole in the dremel router base itself and tapping in a pivot nail (you can see it here)- perfect. I would route a full rotation, vacuum it out, lower it a bit, repeat.


    about 8 rotations later- a perfect circle


    I ended up not liking the thickness of the maple in the neck, so I thinned it out- glued it up and I made sure I got 2 blanks out of this, incase I want to make another of these.


  2. one of the interesting things about the turner model 1 guitars is that they have a 25 degree radius on the front and back of the guitar body. Here is a picture of the jig I will be using to accomplish this with. Its not set up yet- but you should get the idea. The router sits atop the jig. The legs of the jig have a 25 inch radius cut out of them. The tubing will be attached to the outside edges of the base (the base is my version of David Myka's neck pocket jig upside down). The router jig with then ride atop the tubing, and I take it back and forth (side to side) slowly cutting the radius into the face and back of the guitar. Turner uses a planer with a radiused blade to do this- I dont have that luxury unfortunately.


  3. neck woods


    underneath you can see large print outs of a picture I blew up and used as a template- "the ghetto method" of doing templates.

    ghetto method:

    1)- snag a picture of the guitar you want to build. its best if you know the scale legth of the instrument. The picture needs to be as "straight on" to the guitar as possible- no angle shots etc.

    2)- import the picture in MS paint. crop the picture if there is any background "stuff" going on. Hopefully your picture doesnt haven any.

    3) - under the IMAGE option- go to RESIZE/SKEW and adjust the horizontal and vertical percentages (ALWAYS EQUALLY) to increase the size of your picture to be as big as possible while fitting onto a standard piece of printer paper. You may want to view your picture in "print preview" first and then gradually increase the vertical/horizontal (use 120% and see how big it gets). once you find the right spot- print out a copy of your picture- dont close out of MS paint yet.

    4)- measure as accurately as possible the distance between the front edge of the nut and roughly the middle saddle of the high e string. divide your scale length by that number- and you come up with the percentage increase for your horizontal and vertical resizing- example- if your measurement is 5 and 11/16ths inches. Say you are doing a PRS 25" scale- take 25 and divide by 5.687 (11/16ths = .687 inches) and you come up with 4.395. Rounding to 4.40-this number becomes the factor to increase your picture with- so enter 440% in the horizontal and vertical resize fields. If you come up with greater than 500% to increase your drawing- you will need to increase your picture a little bit and then remeasure as MS paint cannot take greater than a 500% increase in resize mode.

    5)- print out the new version, carefully (temp) tape together the pages and then measure frm the front edge of the nut to the middle of the high e saddle again and see how close you are. you should be pretty darn close. if not- adjust. Also take the time to clean up the now pixelated lines, clean up your curves, and also check and make sure that things like pickups or bridges appear to be about proper size. Sometime pictures on the web can be skewed before your grab them- and those will become obvious at this stage- if it happens to you- find another picture to use. if you are building a commercially available guitar- check the dimensions on the mfg web site or perhaps even distributors sites. remember- the pic you find on the web may be of a one off- so check all your measurements and use your head.

    6)- if your pic is good to go- save the file- print out a couple more copies- glue to mdf and cut out your templates.

    it aint pretty- but it works when you dont have those fancy laser/cnc cut templates.

  4. Mahogany Body

    Mahogany/purpleheart/flame maple/purple heart/mahogany neck

    Ebony veneer on front of headstock

    5 ply ebony/maple/ebony/maple/ebony veneer on back of headstock

    Indian Rosewood fretboard

    my attempt at the rotating pickup- not sure what I will use for the pickup yet-it will have active circuit.

    This is a build for a friend and co-worker. He is a huge Lindsey Buckingham fan. This build is on my tab, so certain decisions along the way may be based on economics, vs what I would do if someone was paying me or if I was building for myself.

    here is the Mahogany blank. Gotta a deal due to the knots- the wood is clear outside the lines- and I gave myself plenty of margin to avoid any potential issues with cracks etc due to the knots. These model ones are 2.5 inches thick in the middle- so the plan here is to cut from the same board (8/4), flip one piece so backsides are glued together and then thin down from there. about 30 minutes with the safe-t-planer and it was down to size.





  5. hate to hear about your eyes with that dust. Hope you heal soon bro. Cocobolo dust makes my skin breakout- especially my arms- around the wrists and the inner fold of the elbow joint- I get all red and pimply- itches like hell. I now wear long sleeves- even in the dead of southern US summer- when sanding or filing cocobolo. Nasty shite!!

    build is looking good-

  6. I think the animals will look stupid.

    Hey... you asked.

    sweet wood score though

    I dunno- at first- I thought- ewwww- but then I thought- hell- I think that is exactly what makes this sweet. SHAKA ZULU!!!!

    +1 on the wood score- always cool to find something and recycle it for something as sweet as a guitar.

    Remember- no one has to see the back- I say leave it- when people say- nice explorer you can flip it over and say 'Shaka Zulu!"

  7. So after reading this review by Woodenspoke I thought to myself- nuts- I bought one of these last year- havent had a chance to use it- and sure enough- when I did use it last week I ended up really be disappointed. The cut was rough at best- I blew out an inside curve (test guitar- no biggy) when the thing got away from me- but- not wanting to put it up on ebay and getting pennies on the dollar- I thought- how can I still use this- is there a way to get the router under control.

    So- I looked at my router table and came up with this. Basically a crude way of attaching it to the router table insert- but it works- and it works so well that I will hang onto this tool until I can afford to buy a better set up. I used some scrap hard maple for the base, small hinges on the outside and used a screw to create a compression fit if you will. I lined the hole in the center with leather from some old gloves. It took me some time to get this exactly square with the router insert top. At first I used a couple of pieces of leather in the inside of the hole where the wood holds the dremel/stewmac attachment- but found that the superglue I used ended up creating an uneven surface in the hole that holds the dremel- (leather soaks up superglue so you have to use a bunch to get it to stick-i used so much it made the inside of the hole uneven causing the dremel to "rock" in the hole)- anyway-I removed it, re-filed and I have just one layer of leather to squeeze tight against the dremel- after futzing with it for about an hour- I got it level. I use a reference line on the stewmac attachment to tell me where to line up to the top of the wood, and then the screw you see in the picture clamps the thing tight. I then traced where the screw holes from the router table insert should go and threaded them by hand. It now cuts smooth, I have total control of the body of the guitar- which I like better than moving a router around a guitar anyway- way more control when the cutter is stationary. After HATING this tool-I now like it with this base.





  8. it has the fretting table on page 204 listed as rickenbacker and that is 32.5", and it says it on page 15 as you say.

    since the book is about making your own guitar design rather than exact copies i think melvyn can be forgiven if the info is wrong.

    Forgiven? absolutely. Thanked is more like it- that was the first book I ever saw on guitar building and was the best thing since sliced bread back when a friend of mine in England sent me a copy for my birthday back in the early 90s. I couldnt find it here in the states. Actually- I didnt know it even existed. What a birthday present!

    Wez- hopefully you didnt take me slamming him with that comment-not my intent by any means- I only wanted to check to see if perhaps the original scale length was in fact 32.5"- and perhaps the rick factory re-issues were done with existing fretting machines and they didnt go back to original scale. I have a distinct sound locked in my mind on how a rick sounds- and for years I actually had in my mind that it was a 32.5" scale based on what the book said. I have seen where other mfg (gibson) has "not quite done the reissue to vintage specs" so I was curious if this was the case here. Perhaps by contacting him I may find out even more information on the 32.5", incase it is not a misprint and there is a good reason for it being printed like that.

    Its all good- only seeking knowledge. :D

  9. Standard Ric 4001/3 scale length is 33.25", = 845mm

    Trust them to be quirky :D

    very cool you are keeping this to actual scale length - I think that scale length has a big part of the Rickenbacker sound. I love that "chris squire/geddy lee" sound from the 70's. can't wait to see this one (and hopefully hear it too)- keep up the good work.

    Has anyone ever noticed in the Melvyn Hiscock book he has the scale length listed for a ricky 4001 as 32 1/2" (i have second edition- perhaps this has been updated), that threw me for a while before rickenbacker posted their scale length- I thought perhaps the re-issues were just made with existing factory machining set ups- rather than going back to "true" scale length if Hiscock's book was correct (I figured a second edition would have had errors like that corrected)- curious- if anyone has the new Hiscock edition- scale lengths are shown in chapter 3- if it still has 32.5 I might just try to contact Hiscock to let him know. (**** retentive information seeker that I am- always hoping to have my facts straight when it comes to talking guitars with people).

  10. John-

    I may have the same ryobi benchtop model- i have actually found that I need to run it full speed to get it not to grab and chatter. I have been told the safe T planer works best between 4,000-5,000 rpm. My ryobi only goes to about 3100 I think. I always run it with the planer at top RPM- the lower speeds just dont work unless the wood is something like alder or maybe poplar or soft pine/etc. Also- I have to keep the cutters sharp, especially if I happen to put something like any rosewood family wood thru it. I also use a drill press table I make- it helps considerably when using the drill press with guitar bodies. Squaring the table to the chuck is key- and I found once I really took the time to set up the table correctly- the cuts were alot more smooth and flat- sometimes I would get "swirls" in the wood- I dont get them anymore, nothing that doesnt sand out rather quickly anyway.

    Spokeshave- +1 on the light cuts comment- I have found even if I can really dig into say- alder- it is best to take light cuts- this eliminates grabbing, and the chatter that eventually makes the chuck fall out. On hard maple I keep the cuts down to like 1/8"or less- just little nibbles. It takes time- but I love the safe-t-planer. I think the design is just really clever, and all in all- its a really safe tool use. Plus I havent plunked down the bread for a regular planer so I am stuck with it for now:-).

  11. This looks like a very cool project. If I may just offer a word of warning though- putting cocobolo next to maple can be a real pain in the butt to sand. The cocobolo bleeds like crazy- and the maple will turn orange. Even after BATHING the cocobolo in acetone/etc- it will still bleed. I am not sure if this will show up or not once I post this picture- but here is a Carl Thompson copy I made while it was in the sanding stage- the center block is cocobolo on the front- and striped maple on the immediate left and right of it- it has turned orange in places. I ended up scraping it and getting rid of just about all of the orange - but what a pain it was.

    If you want- email me at goooge@yahoomail.com. I can send you a piece of cocobolo and maple and you can see for yourself. You may (or may not) change your mind- or even consider putting some sort of dark wood "buffer" inbetween the maple and cocobolo. I am not trying to kill your idea -it is very cool- but believe me- it is a PAIN to sand. I read on the old bunnybass archive (no longer active) where Ken Lawrence did a cocobolo/maple bass and swore he would never do it again.


  12. While benchtop tools are not ideal- I have had good results with the sears craftsman jointer. I had read about it on Kathy Matushita's (amaetuer luthier's)site I think- and she mentioned using it on neck blanks. I had limited tool budget after selling everything I owned to get the house I am in now- and was dying to get something- thought i would give it a shot and return it if it didnt cut the mustard. It is alot studier than the delta benchtop, I had read different review about the delta- which I was leaning towards-but after reading up on the craftsman-I went for it- its very solid- and I have not had any complaints (other than the dust port is full 4"- so you cant easily attach another four inch vacuum tube or other with out an adapter of some sort (I just use duct tape)

    Yes- the bed on it (or any benchtop jointer) is short- and you have to watch something like a neck thru neck blank- but I have had great luck with it. It works great on joining tops, and

    I know I paid about $200 even on sale-(2 years ago) this link shows above your limit- but perhaps you can find on sale sometime. just my $.02


  13. I think it has been (somewhere) posted here before-but ReRanch is apparently a part time gig for the cats that run it. It may take a bit longer than your typical place like a stew-mac or LMI where they have a dedicated service staff waiting to take your cash. I think - dont quote me- but I think i have read of 2+week turn arounds- especially if the guy(s) are touring. (apparently they have a band?)

    I know this topic has come up before- I took a quick look to see if I couldnt find and link the topic- but I may have read it on another forum like talkbass or LesPaul forum perhaps. If I recall correctly there was no negative experience other than perhaps a bit more wait than what the purchaser may have expected.

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