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Duff Beer Man

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Everything posted by Duff Beer Man

  1. Alright well ive been researching for what feels like ever now and im in woodshop now at school so i finally get to start my projects. This years projects will be as follows. 1. Ibanez Steve Vai Bad Horsie Alder Jem body w/ monkey grip chome mirror front (made out of acrylic) and pearloid binding round edge one piece flamed maple neck rosewood fretboard with front showing blue leds floyd rose low profile bridge Dimarzio evolution pups 2. Custom Gibson Flying V Mohogany body with quilted maple front dye'd bright green sunburst white binding round body and neck 1 piece mohogany neck with rosewood fretboard and green front showing leds tom bridge and tailpiece Emg pups (most likely 60 and 81 in white.) This is what i got so far, im sure i will have more stuff with the time comes. I keep you guys posted, i should start these most likely in one to two weeks, just waiting on templates i ordered for the bodys and what not.
  2. There is one in the template section, but u have to be an advancened member. You can do this by donating 10 or more to the site. Really quite a small price to pay and they have a ton of templates.
  3. Which one would i actually buy, cause this seems like the best way to go. Is it basicly and acrilic sheet with chrome mylar stuck to the back of it with the acrlic on the front so the mylar cant get hurt? It so this is exactly what im looking for. It doesnt say prices tho, and there are a lot of different types it seems, which one is the one you talking about?
  4. Ok, lgm (and anyone for that matter) i would like ur opinion on this. I was looking around the jemsite and a guy there just got a guitar chromed by sims. However, he only did the front. Please look at the pics he posted cause to me it looks like its just a gaint pickguard glued on and the edges rounded over. Let me know what you think and if it is how would they do it. pics here
  5. Can you link me to the site that has the tutorial you wrote on it. I cant seem to find it.
  6. Well, the time is coming down for me to build my bad horsie custom. Im trying to get it EXACTLY like the one vai plays. From type of wood he uses right down to the tuners. However i dont really know a whole lot about it. So could one of you guys post EVERYTHING you know about the bad horsie. No info will go unused. Thanks
  7. Are these really really nessacry in maple necks? What all do they do? Im going to build a vai and want it to look exactly like the bad horsie vai plays. I got to looking around at some pics and saw it had one of these, but i really dont know how to do one properly, i saw the tutarial and still dont really get how to do it. Any help is apprecated. Thanks
  8. If i use mylar do i just put it on and leave it? Or can am i supposed to spray clear coat on the mylar? Just wondeirng cause time is building down till i start building my two new projects for 05 and i need to know everything before i get started.
  9. Is that stuff better then the mylar stuff? Just curious cause i was going to use mylar. Is that basicly a big pick guard? If it is, then i dont know if i want it. I was going to use mylar cause it has a sticky back, so i wouldn't have to bolt it on. I just think the less screws people see the better. I hate having a guitar that is all bolted and screwed together (like pickguard wise) i kinda it makes the guitar look like the whole front is just bolted on.
  10. I want a chrome guitar but i dont want to pay that much. I think im just gonna stick with and try the chrome mylar stuff for my vai.
  11. does the real bad horsie have a pealoid binding aroung it like the one in that pic?
  12. Well, i was looking around the sims custom led site. Just looking around and i saw they did painting of guitars too. Well from that page they have a link to a page called the chrome zone. This stuff looks like real chrome, just wondering if anyone has any ideas how they did it. I know its not "real" chrome, but still have a look and write what ya think. My Webpage
  13. Is that free from mind, or did u use a template for the body and monkey grip?
  14. Last year i built my first guitar in woodshop class in my school. It was an electric tho. The next term a copy cat kid tried to copy me, only he built and acoustic. Boy had no idea what he had gotten himself into and didnt finish it or get anywhere close to it. Just remember to alot urself enough time for everything. I built one last year and realize what it takes so im building two electrics this year. Most of all dont get ur fingers cut off and have fun.
  15. Ok, im going to put binding on my next guitar but am really confussed about it. I dont understand how to get a smooth binding like on gibsons and what not. I bought some binding from Stew mac but it has lines in it. How do i make it all smooth and make it so you cant see the lines in the binding?
  16. wow i didnt know that place excisted woulda helped me out a lot lol. Good to know, maybe ill do a vine inlay in my Vai now instead of leds. We will have to wait and see i guess.
  17. Are Tokai's really that good? I thought they were just some cheap offbrand. Ive never see or played one around where im at so i dont know.... Plus im epi proud lol. But how different are they?
  18. well, you should really try them all and see what you like best. Everyone has there own style, like i like sg's, les pauls, and a strat everyonce in a while, but what i love most are explorers.
  19. I was board and started looking around ebay and this is one of the man that i found. Vine of life
  20. I was also thinking about building the bad horsie vai. I watched the live in london dvd and when i saw it i like crapped my pants. I want one really bad, and thats what i have planned for my next guitar (gonna start in jan). I was wondering about the mylar cause i want the chrome looking finish, i am also going to do my own led inlays, (screw sims leds, they are way to pricey, i know i can do just as good of a job and have it only cost me 30 bucks, if that). I am also going to build a flying v with leds in it, what color, i dont know yet, but what ever it is the leds will match the paint color.
  21. Yeah, i know i already read all of those, (i always do searches first lol) but i was wondeirng where to get the chrome looking mylar. i wanna get some and screw around with it and see with i can get it too look like, not getting my hopes up to high, but i always like to expriement with new things. I just want to do the front of my guitar, and have the sides and back plain black. So does anyone know where i can get some?
  22. Ok, i was reading around and saw that chorming is kinda outta the picture. However, i know vai has a guitar with a mirror finish. I wanna do this, i know basicly the stuff you put on it is kinda like a big chome sticker.. However i dont know where to get this at. Anyone got any ideas?
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