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About debaert

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  1. im planning on making a custom scratch plate for a project i am currently working on. does any1 out there know of the best way 2 cut it out and what the best material is 2 use ???
  2. try www.allparts.com for the springs theyve got bigsbys and everything else youl need to finish the project too
  3. is this what u were after? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...ssPageName=WDVW
  4. you could buy one of those necks with the leds already fitted and the scolop from there
  5. why dont u try getting it in red and then putting black tape on it were you want the stripes to be i might be being stupid and correct me if i am but it might work
  6. i am referbishing a hohner marlin at the moment i have cleaned and polished it up and it looks great, exept for one thing. in places the finish(black) has gone misty/cloudy. plain old polish and elbow grwase hasnt had any effect and i was wondering if any of you guys out there know what the problem is or could suggest anything. any help would be very much appreiciated
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