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Everything posted by GEdwardJones

  1. "Geezer" (also sometimes "G//Z/R") is Geezer Butler's band....
  2. Yeah, and I keep telling GE to buy two. One for him to check out and the other as a friendship present to me. But the last time I bought somebody a guitar I married her two years later. So, I don't think that's an option.
  3. I keep telling Dennis he needs to buy one so I can live vicariously thru him.
  4. In order of lust. 1. Amber Flame 2. Natural Quilt 3. Natural Mahog V 4. Blue Quilt Modifying the headstock is a must. I've actually been trying to buy one of those for a while now, but stuff keeps coming up to jack up my finances (getting married, moving, car stuff, etc.) So I keep praying that they'll order more when they sell out. Dang, if that Amber Flame is even close to that nice in person....
  5. Both Dennis and I have been talking about buying one of those for forever. My logic is, unless the neck sucks $250 is well worth one of those. And even if the neck sucks they'd look cool as wall hangings. And yes, that Amber flame is GORGEOUS.
  6. For Les Paul fans. Rondo's at it again: yum Yummm Yuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  7. Yeah, I've been telling you to do that for *YEARS* but would you listen to me, nooooooooooooooooooooooo. It's a lot less irritating on this side of the fence.
  8. Yes, mostly for a joke, but I don't want the paint to peel off in 30 seconds. I totally forgot about Testor's and also I wasn't too familiar with it in spray cans. Mostly I remember the little fingernail polish like bottles.
  9. This isn't really about guitars (but it could be, pickups, pickguards and the like). My wife and I have a friend who, when spending the night at someone else's home seems to *always* find a way to fall down and hit her head. This lead to a joke that she needs a helmet (with hot rod flams, natch) when she travels. Well, I went to the local used sports gear emporium and grabbed a hockey helmet for $12, my plan being to paint it burgandy with gold flames. So here's the question, has anyone had any luck painting plastics and if so, what did you use?
  10. Jackson came out with a Speedloader Soloist prototype not to long ago, same headstock just without tuners. I'd think that's the way most established companies would go (copyrights/trademarks can be lost thru non-use/failure to defend you know). Newer companies? Well, shoot, they're trying to figure out the last unused headstock shape anyway.
  11. It had a Jackson shaped headstock, a fake Kahler bridge, EMG Select pickups and three mini-toggle switches didn't it? They also sold a "Dean Hollywood Z" at Sears that I wanted really bad, 'cos it looked like one of Billy Gibbons' guitars (He was playing Dean "Z" bodies at the time)
  12. Also known as "G's guitar"
  13. By the way, I checked the link and, it's funny, he's basically parting out an RG470 and thehn charging $60 to put it together. Go to eBay, you can find the same "kit" preassembled for less than $300. Shoot, since the 470 is a discontinued model they're probably being blown out NEW for the same price.
  14. Kinda true. The VH camp went cease and desist order happy about 18 months ago. Schwinn actually recieved a C&D from Van Halen's leagal firm to change the graphics on the Van Homan Mean Streak bicycle frame. The graphics included a clear rip off of the VH logo and a little guitar with the striped paint job. According to the article I read in Ride BMX the lawyers told Schwinn that both the logo, AND the guitar's paint scheme were copyrighted, so Schwinn had to change the decals on the last few Mean Streaks it produced (they went bankrupt and were sold to Pacific shortly there after. Van Homan left Schwinn for Fit Bike Co right before this, so, no Van, no Mean Streak)
  15. My neighbor's nephew is in a band which is alternately "PEN15" and "Seems Like Never" I think "SLN" is actually a cool name. "Pen Fifteen" is really just as juvenille as you'd expect a band made up of 15 - 16 year olds "We like it, *chuckle*, because when you write it, *giggle*, it looks like 'spam', bwahahahahahahahahaha"
  16. For $20 I'll take three if they're in good working order. Truthfully, for $20 you're getting a nice starter-guitar. Even at $165 it's a good deal.
  17. It's an Epi (Les Paul) Special or Special II (the difference is the Special II has coil taps) Depending on what color he got (I'm not making that up) It's either an Alder/Nato blend of plywood or Mahogany (the red ones are Mahog according to Gibson). Since you say it's a sunburst it's the Alrder/Nato. These are fun little guitars, I *LOVE* the necks on them, they stay in tune well, they're just a wee bit bright for my tastes. I bought mine on impulse for $165 at Guitar Center and that's still about what you an expect to pay for one. Given the cost they're pretty solid guitars and probably gig-worthy (but I don't gig, so what do I know?)
  18. Don't let Dennis fool you. He LIVES for "I told you so."
  19. If I'm reading correctly you've got it right. The saddles should follow the curvature of the fingerboard which is "low on the outside, high in the middle"
  20. Probably for the same reason that GM still uses pushrod V-8s in modern high performance cars. Because they work. I think this is the point when we might just agree to disagree. But the fact of the matter is, different people look for different things out of bridges. For you it might be rock solid tuning stability, for someone else it might be ease of use. You CAN set up a Fender style bridge to stay in tune very well (I've done it myself) and the Floyd on my one Fender guitar (Ironicaly, the only actual strat I have) is *HORRIBLE*, won't stay in tune even if you don't use it.. I think most people have certain tolerances that they'll accept and, lacking a strobe tuner hardwired into their heads, probably don't notice the slight detuning that happens with some trems as opposed to others.
  21. looks like the sell both golf clubs and trems.
  22. What is this "7ender" you speak of? Y'know, every time someone goes on and on about how Fender trems aren't stable, arent usable, can't take massive abuse, whatever, etc. I always reply with two words. Jeff Beck If you use your trem more than Beck then you're probably using it too much.
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