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Everything posted by Hughes

  1. hey would any of you be willing to post some pics of headstocks that are quite unique that you guys have made that would be suitable for a mockingbird? thanks
  2. metalmatt, i think your body styles are awesome, i also think that your second one would make an awesome headstock
  3. im almost possitive theres no mockingbird blueprints because i looked all over to find one but i just ended up drawing one myself, sorry i cant be much more help
  4. hey, i was wondering how long is a 24 bass fretboard...my 22 fret bass is just under 25inches...yeah so if you can answer it thanks alot EDIT: oh yeah i did a search and it said the neck was the same length, what confuses me is the over hang over the body, is that neccesary? becasue i actually like the overhang
  5. haha wow talk about simple thansk for the link
  6. hi, i was curious if i did not have the money to buy a wood bending iron, is there stuff lying around the house i could use to make one? thanks
  7. that ed roman has some good stuff, but man is it expensive, like a mockingbird body and a bronze style neck together is like $700 and not even finished but thanks for the tips
  8. ooo ok sorry, thanks tho hah
  9. ooo ok sorry, thanks tho hah
  10. thats pretty wicked, i love drag racing, its always funny seeing those mini dragsters...my dad used to have a 64 dodge polara 440 that he dragraced, it was restored and painted all over, even the bottom, deadly car, you may have seen it on mopar magazine, but yeah very nice paint
  11. hey has anyone seen those line 6 variax gutiars that has a knob with lots and lots of effects? well would anyone know if theres somethign i can put in a guitar to have lots and lots of eefects on a knob also without paying a ton of money? thanks
  12. Anyone with tips on bobbin making would be appreciated...you can find magnets in all kinds of places but making the bobbins is always the worst...well at least for me. pete ←
  13. can i just use a picture from the computer and use normal printer paper to put the picture on my guitar? like the one person did a JEM with comic books glued and laquered on (exscuse my spelling) or should i find a magazine pic i like? i actually mean to do something like this http://trivium.org/images/media/fanart/prstrivium21qt.jpg
  14. nope canada...where would i be able to buy good magnets from? like a hardware store?
  15. ok, i want to make my own pickups, but i was wondering if i could use this magnet i hve, which is used for cows to swallow so when they eat nails it will stick to the magnet. the magnet looks really similar to a lipstick pickup and i was wondering if i could use that magnet to make a humbucker pickup? oh and if not would a hardware store sell magents suitable for pickups? thanks
  16. yeah i know that wasnt my question tho, it was has anyone made one out of a normal bass bridge
  17. would the pickup i listed below cover the entire string spacing on a bass?or would i need two of them? http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Electronics,_p...ss_Pickups.html
  18. do you mean the whole neck or just the headstock?
  19. yeah i was just wondering becasue my fretboard is made from walnut, and its a lighter color, which i never had any other wood for a fret so i used that, but i was to make it darker some how, any tips?
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