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Posts posted by Pr3Va1L

  1. what i know about electronics/magnets leads me to believe that very little will change. i like the idea about a stacked humbucker and a dummy coil beside it. now combine that with the other guys output measuring LED idea, and you could have one sweet effect.

    OOOH! Nice idea there! Really that would be so cool!!!

    No need for the stacked HB either if this sounds right.

  2. I have to tell you this is a great amp... both my guitar teacher and a relative of mine have that amp (respectively the normal one and the WR) and they sound REALLY great.

    My own amp seems based somewhat on the same circuicy (it really sounds the same as my teacher's amp and has the exact same controls anyways...) and you really can hit everything... Good clean channel and really great distortion. Without boost, it sounds really vintage, and with it sounds modern/metal.

  3. Well, no one can really tell how it will sound... Different for sure but nor necessarely worse or better.

    I mean... having 2 different magnetic fields is not always a bad thing. Look at the Dimarzio Duo-sonic(?) or the SD Screamin' Demon... They have different polepiece designs (or rail for the dimarzio) and it's what makes their sound.

    What I think is that it will kinda sound like a stacked humbucker... Because the weaker feild shouldn't affect the other coil's sound but it'll still be humbucking.

  4. bah you can try to compensate when tuning or tightening the springs... IE: tuning from e to E, tune the higher strings a little bit sharp. It takes much less time...

    And btw, setting a trem is not so hard... I've set up mine a few times alredy (when changing string guages (got 11s on now... went from 9 to 10 and now 11)) even though the 1st time I had no idea what to do... It's pretty damn easy, just time consuming!

  5. For me it depends... I can stand much older strings on my eletcric than on my acoustic. Dunno, the sound seems to be less affected by strings on my electric than on the ovation...

    Ovation really needs new strings or else it just sounds bad... Defeat the whole sound that I like in my ovation (sounds very bright and metallic). So I use elixirs on my acoustic so it stays with that sound...

    BTW I hated blue steel strings last time I tryed em... Sounded duller new than used!!

    Anyways... I can change them anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months... depending on what brand of strings and how much I play... And on when I can get my ass to the shop. :D

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