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Posts posted by Pr3Va1L

  1. So... One of my main guitar is in dire need of a refret... The frets need to be crowned and there's about 1mm left of frets, so it's pretty obvious it needs one.

    So i'd like to know how hard is it for a beginner to refret a guitar? If I take my time how well can I expect my fretting to be? Because As far as I can tell, it seems like it would cost me as much to have the guitar refretted than to buy the tools needed for it...


  2. Why not try to add some kinda frame around your inlay?

    It would look really cool and hide all of the bleeding!

    I am open to ideas. When you say frame it, would you do it by routing out the bleeding area and filling with another type of inlay material, or colored epoxy, or ???

    I was thinking routing out the bled area and filling with, say another wood or something contrasting... Would probably look nice anyways.

  3. I'd like to add that, as someone explained, the more hollow your guitar is, the more vibrations it dampens, and the more in dampens vibrations the less highs it'll have...

    again, It's pretty easy to offset that simply with different pickups... with very bright sounding pickups, it might sound just like any Les Paul... So it's not the only thing that can change sound...

    Also remember that the more wood you remove the more feedback you're likely to have after...

    Anyways, good luck!

  4. Well, maybe you could change the neck pickup instead? Because I can't think of really many other pickups to tame brigthness...

    Your problem is getting a good sound when the pickup selector is on the middle setting? Maybe you could try a petrucci-type wireing?

  5. Well, As I said, It's pretty much the same principle as a diafragm mic, but I like the idea of implempting it to drums!

    It sounds like a good idea, but I can see 2 problems: 1.How good will it actually sound? 2. Will you be able to make a 'mesh' of magnetic material strong enough to withstand the abuse of a drummer bashing it (and god knows some drummers hit hard on their drums)?

    Anyways, I wish you good luck with your project!

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