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Everything posted by borge

  1. but for a pinch harmonic to work it must be over a node and if there is a node then a natural harmonic is possible eg do a natural harmonic at the 5th or 24th fret then do a pinch harmonic over the 24 fret its exactly the same note isnt it (2 octaves above open string) because ur using the same node it doesnt matter how u get the harmonic to ring (pinching, conventional natural harmonic, tapped harmonics, harp harmonics) it will be the same note
  2. watch out though there is so much incorrect tab on the net (about 70% wrong in my opinion) ive found any site that have ratings for each tab are good. i dont even bother with it unless it has 4 or 5 stars http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ is the one i use mostly
  3. curtis try pinching over the 12th fret of an open string (or 12 frets higher than a fretted note) this is by far the easiest node to pinch, it should ring out 1 octave higher then the open (or fretted) note the harder u pick it the harder it will snap back against ur thumb and the harder it will squeal
  4. thats weird its the opposite to me my new grasp has a much better sounding attack but it made me slower until i got used to the different grip but i had to change my main tapping finger which wasnt too hard as ive been practicing using all my fingers on some jennifer batten style tapping and i had to practice a bit to get pinch harmonics back but overall my new grip is alot better
  5. for some strange i have been able to do pinch harmonics since i started playing i think it has alot to do with how i hold the pick (index middle thumb )similar to a pencil. but only recently have i really mastered the art and learnt all the sweet spots. u can get four different harmonic notes off a singular fretted note depending on where abouts along the string you pick (much like there a different natural harmonics) on a different note i recently saw a paul gilbert video and he talked about changing the way he held the pick(after many years of playing) so he could play really fast picking licks like malmstein. this made me paranoid that the way i held the pick was limiting my speed.im starting to wonder if i should change to the orthodox way aswell. has anyone done the same? is it worth it?
  6. greg A/D5 its called i think (or i guess u could technically call it an A4th ), yes it is an inversion, the metallica song leper messiah has alot of them if u want a example oh and alot of acdc and adding an inverted fourth as in ur example cures this?
  7. i agree incarnation its like u want it to look like a neck thru but cant be bothered doing it that said it still looks wicked. i love explorers
  8. borge

    I Need Some

    (in high pitched voice) WANNA GET HIGH Towelie cracks me up steve vai has the best wah technique? huh? bio i suggest learning the greatest song involving a wah :vodoo chile
  9. what were they thinking? some people......
  10. same here marzo if i do play 3 strings its index on the 5th and pinkey on the octave i sort of got in the habit of two string powerchords doing the megadeath spider crawl thing
  11. do u think a 10 year old girl is gunna like poison? poison is an allright band but thy are one of if not the cheesiest bands ever plus i hate cc deville
  12. borge

    I Need Some

    slightly off topic but is that a pic of towelie playing guitar under ur name bio?
  13. yeah wah pedals instant greatness play the enter sandman lead without a wah and might know what i mean
  14. something that helped me was once i knew the minor pentatonic shape (root on 6th string) adding the 2nd and flat 6th gives the aeolian mode eg e minor pentatonic = EGABDE add the 2nd (F#) and the flat 6th © and u have the e aeolian mode = E F# G A B C D E these are also the samenotes in G ionian (major) think paradisecity a dorian (minor) think sandman (e dorian) b phrygian(minor) c lydian (major) d mixolydian (major) (f# locrian very uncommon (read usless)) if u get what i mean modes seemed very confusing to me to begin with once i understood that they are all based on starting the major (ionian) scale on a different note to get a different mode it became clear and i could solo in any mode anywhere on the neck and it would sound fitting as long as i chose a mode that fitted the progression/riff (unless its some weird jazz progression) practiceing improvising over a continously looped riff/progression is really good too but it is really easy to sound boring and monotonous some thing i look for in a solo are: direction climatism (i hope thats a word) feeling the perfect opening and closing notes/licks hope this helps
  15. another lefty projects looking good its hard to find decent lefty guitars aye i thinks that what got me interested in building my own good luck
  16. i quite often use my multieffects pedal (korg ax1500g) with a 1/4 jcak - rca converter thing. so i can plug it into tvs stereos etc (assuming ur car stereo has rca ins) plus all the pedals ive seen run on dc so all you need is something that changes ur car battery voltage (12) to ur pedals voltage (9 usually) if u dont want to do that u could make (or have made) a little thing that plugs into ur pedals power input and has a 9volt battery clip/holder thing on the end i made one for $3 to use my pedal when there wasnt a power supply handy but batteries have low/unstable amperage so the tuner was very jumpy to hard to use infact, but all the rest works fine
  17. does any one here use them? i can think of any advantages asides from them looking like a volume /tone knob i mean u cant just look at it to see which pup/s ur curently using u cant just slam it down or up mid song for leads u have to actually grip it and twist it just my opinion i havnt actually used one so correct me if im wrong
  18. i forgot to mention to make sure u put things on the right side or u may end up with a left handed pickgaurd when u wanted a right handed or vice versa
  19. first u will need the material i got mine from a boat building place their scrap bin was full of good sized peices of flat and diamond plate of varying thicknesses i got an 18" square for ten dollars it would have been five but i only had a ten so we went to the office for change and the boss made him charge me 10 damnit take ur pickguard off ur guitar then trace it onto the flat side (including pickup,screw holes etc ) of the plate. obviously you dont have to have the same shape but hole placement in relation to each other and to neck pocket cutout is important i used a jigsaw with a metal blade(important!) to cut it out. go slowly aluminium has a low melting point. (i had the blade clog up with molten metal) the metal sheet is prone to "juddering" (if thats a word) i had my mate stand on the sheet and also move it often so the part i was cutting was near the edge of the workbench (my deck/veranda) making it more stable once you have it cut out roughly, check it fits then file it to exact shape. part of the reason i used aluminium is because its very soft/easy to file for pickup holes drill some holes first to put the jigsaw blade in then cut it to shape. drill all other holes, countersink with bigger drill bit when needed check it fits good adjust where needed also if u use metal with a textured surface u may have problems with pots not turning properly. an angle grinder can help here but make sure all the grinding you do will be hidden under the knob feel free to ask anything if i didnt explain well enough or i left something out good luck
  20. i recently made a aluminium checkerplate pickguard for a friends ibanez its pretty simple it cost about $10 dollars in materials and ive got enough left for at least 2 more guards i could tell u how i did it if u want
  21. thanks eric thats sounds alot like what ive been doing (stressing fingertips, starting with open 5th chords E A D) with some extra stuff that sounds very helpfull she does have a bad habit of "palming the neck" ive noticed it leads to not using figertips. ive been telling her to use her thumb but i dont set a good example ( i try not to "palm" when shes around but once you learn some hendrix you realise the thumb is for freting the e string and not alot else lol) it sure is a whole different ball game teaching someone so young with small weak hands
  22. cool i guess u have to take of the fretboard? total cost of materials?
  23. looks wicked did u make a tutorial? or have any progress pics?
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