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Posts posted by possum1284

  1. Alcohol is alcohol, but the stuff used to denature it is grade-A nasty. And Meths? Even worse. Those are seriously bad solvents, so unless you protect your skin (it goes right through) and lungs (respirator) when using, grain alcohol is infinitely safer.

    For french polishing itself, fumes aren't really a big issue, though. When prepping flakes they can be.

    The thing with solvents is this: don't think 'oh, I'm just a home user, I don't get exposed that much, I don't need protection'. Nerve degeneration, potential blindness, various other degenerative and irreversible conditions? Not fun. You know those health and safety laws? For people that use these nasties day in day out with proper protection? Basically means that one home user being a touch sloppy about protecting himself from these carcinogenic nightmares of chemicals has an exposure level many, many times that of someone who works with the stuff daily, but with proper protection, from a single, one-time use.

    And frankly, protective gear is far too cheap to be without.

    thats kind what i was thinking. so the natural food grade grain alchol is the best bet then. on another note is it ok to put shellac over ktm9? same question applies to minwax wipe sealer/ finish ,it is mostly sanded off though.


  2. Denatured alcohol is, and alcohol, straight, is a poison. Not great, but not that nasty. I always wear gloves anyway. Once cured, it's perfectly safe.

    Grain filler is a seperate issue from the finish of your choice. Shellac will not fill the grain for you.

    so does shellac require a grain filler? im looking for a finish to use on mahogany that does not require a grain filler if there is one.


  3. hi they reccommened using an epoxy grain filler. is the grain filler necessary? the epoxy which is toxic kinda negates why i bought the ktm9, atleast the health benefits. is the grain filler absolutely essentially or can i just apply the finish to the bare wood (mahogany)? on another note grain filler isnt required for maple correct?

    thank, Adam

  4. hi is there any difference purchasing wood from a lumber supplier rather then a suplier who deals specifically in instrument. i want to make an arch top with a paduk back but i cant find paduk at any instrument supplier, but i have been able to find it at general wood suppliers. will it make a sifference if i buy the wood from a general supplier?


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