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Everything posted by sjaguar13

  1. I want to paint my guitar using an airbrush, but the paint comes in 1 ounce bottles...how many do I need?
  2. It's scheduled to go on eBay Monday at 2pm EST.
  3. I haven't actually attached the neck yet. I'm just wondering how close they line up. http://www.dbeweb.com/guitar/guitar3.html I can't tell from that picture if that guy's neck is supposed to be lined up with the body, or if it doesn't quite reach the bottom of the body. Actually, on the next page, it looks like it doesn't quite make it to the bottom. Mine does, should it be seemless?
  4. Is the neck seamlessly attached to the body, or is there like a line or something where you can tell what's the neck and what's the body? If I run my finger over it, can I feel it?
  5. Just a few sample pictures I taken...I need to sell this camera! Ibanez 7 String Pickup Crack in 80s Fender Strat Close Up of a Nickle
  6. I'm going to the store tomorrow. Should I be looking at sealer, or should I just stick with the primer?
  7. The pinned thinged help a little, but the questions asked that were never answered are the questions I have, too. Poly and Nitro are out if it's going to cost $100, but the poly in a can (one-part poly) seems like the next best thing. Can I only get it at autobody suppliers? Is it as good as two-part poly? Also, what if I spray the guitar with acrylic and used clear poly over that. Would I get the same glossy, hard finish, or would that not work? If I can't find poly in a spray can somewhere near me (I don't want to have to order it), I will probably end up doing my guitar in acrylic.
  8. Well now I don't know what I want. Where would I get nitro at, same body shop store?
  9. I want to refinish a headstock, but there is binding around it. Should I not sand it, fix the headstock, then clear everything until it's even, or will sanding not hurt the binding, then I can clear everything? Should I not clear everything?
  10. I am getting ready to paint a couple guitars, and am thinking about not using acrylic again, just to see how much better poly is. Do Ihave to use a different primer/sealer than the one I was using before? Does poly come in spray cans, or do I have to use a spray gun? Where do I get poly, automotive paint stores?
  11. I just painted a guitar and went with primer, then the acrylic. After spraying the primer, you could see little holes. I just used more primer, then paint. Even after I was done with paint, the holes were still there. I don't want that to happen again, so should I seal it first? After I seal it, is the primer still needed, or do I paint it after sealing?
  12. I was stripping the body with heat, then I decided to sand a little to get some of the spots I missed. That's when I sanded the edge. I actually haven't sprayed anything yet...but now I'm thinking about not using acrylic.
  13. Well, I decided to get the screws from eBay, $10.99 for 100 black screws, and 1 metal and 5 plastic jack plates from StewMac. It comes out $4 and 75 screws ($8.25) cheaper, but I am loosing quality by going with plastic plates. I don't really care, though. I plan on putting these plates on and then putting it on eBay. As for the $30 minimum order...what are you talking about? Total order came to $12 plus $5 shipping. Final order was $17 and everything went through.
  14. I am painting it with Acrylic, don't know what I'm stripping.
  15. Yeah, those are the kind, but they are expensive. The ones from Elderly were $4.60 plus you got the screws. I guess I could just get one metal one, and 5 plastic ones, but what should I do about the screws? They are pretty expensive there, too. Is there a cheap place for screws, or a cheaper place for the jack plates?
  16. Anyone know where I can get 6 black or 5 black and 1 chrome square Gibson jack plates? I was going to get them from Elderly Music, but they are on back order for 3-12 weeks. If I had the stupid jack plates, I could finish my project.
  17. DO ME! Well, this isn't really a guitar selling site. It's more for local Ohio bands, but I do plan on offering guitar custimizing sometime in the future. There will be a battle of the bands that's 11 hours longs featuring 14 high school bands, and 8 other feature bands. I will be there handing out shirts and stickers for Ceetus. I want to make sure the site doesn't completely suck. It's not totally done yet. I still want a message board, some custom quote pages done, and the order pages aren't even started. The best stuff happens behind the scenes. I'm more of a programming than designer, like you couldn't tell. The page is just rectangles and a crappy microphone done up in PhotoShop. There is only 1 menu, it's loaded into each page. There is only one of each page. It changes color, not the lame way of making a page for each color. The best part is the shows on the home page are loaded from a flat-file database. I used to have to type them in order, and I'd get a show that happens in the middle, then I would have to go through and change the color of each line. Now, it sorts the list in order, gets rid of old shows, and takes the first 30 current shows and displays them. It's never out-dated (that was a pain, too, remembering to take down old shows). I also plan on adding a page that lets bands add their own show, but I am currently working on getting everything to a relational database, so the shows could also be searched.
  18. I haven't painted many guitars, but all the ones I have, this happened. I'm sanding the edges and I sand through the paint right into some wood. Now, instead of side and front of the guitar meeting at a nice edge, part of the edge is flatter than the rest and it's all uneven. Is there a way I can fix that (I usually don't, well at least I never did before), or is there some way to keep from doing that again?
  19. Anyone interested in a solid Ash body, bound with cream Binding, and a real Flame Maple laminated top telecaster-style body?
  20. 18, finished Associates Degree in Interactive Media, currently at a different school working on Bachelor's in Computer Science.
  21. So the PRS neck looks like the on in the picture, but the P-bass doesn't look like the picture?
  22. MusicYo has some pretty nice medium quality guitars, like the V and the Strikers. The 24 pack seems like a good deal, but 24 is a little much right now. Shipping is only $15 for second day FedEx. If I had $1,700, I would consider it.
  23. I need a guitar to practice for some promotional items for a local band and a friend's site. I don't really know how I am going to do it, so I was looking at a cheap guitar. Cheap enough where I can afford it, but good enough so if it coems out well, I can give it to them. What's a better guitar? The Saga strat kit - pick guard takes up most of the painting surface PRS kit - don't like PRS, more expensice, but good area for the logo Cheap $69 start copy - again, the pick guard Baja RG-style - $110, good for painting, but who ever heard of Baja? Something else? The band is going to play the guitar, but it's mostly for show. My friend is going to either give the guitar away, or have a contest. He doesn't care how bad it plays, but I don't want anyone who gets the guitar to think it's crap.
  24. I'm thinking about buying the HT style, but when you say it's peghead style, ready for shaping, does that mean it doesn't look like the one in the picture?
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