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Everything posted by sjaguar13

  1. I was reading that wondering why I would put the decal under the pickguard where you couldn't see it. Yeah, my pickguard is black, not clear.
  2. I want a decal on my guitar, but the pickguard sucks up most of the room. Would it be possible to put it on the pickguard, then clear coat it, so you couldn't feel the decal and it couldn't be scratched off?
  3. Number one looks like it fits the guitar more, but I don't really know. I'm thinking gold bell knobs, too, but is it going to look stupid with chrome hardware?
  4. That's the one I was liking the most. What about knobs? I seen some hollow bodies with speed knobs, black strat knobs, and gold bell knobs.
  5. What's a good bridge for this hollow body? Number 1 Number 2 (The chrome one) Also, what about knobs. I have no idea about them. Bell, Dome, something else?
  6. What about the spring, is that just held in there is the strings, or is that some how fastened to the bridge? Which auction?
  7. How do they stay on the guitar, just by the strings? If the strings come off, this falls off, too?
  8. This.....What's a floater look like? http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp...top_Guitar.html
  9. There is nothing on the outside, no brand or model.
  10. How is this bridge attached? http://images.andale.com/f2/125/105/108145...02_IMG_0083.jpg
  11. What if I get a spring http://www.marshallparts.com/content/estor...asp?product=813 and bridge http://www.elderly.com/accessories/items/470C.htm even though I have no idea how the bridge is attached to the body, would it make it playable then?
  12. Should I line in with copper tape, or just get rid of it?
  13. I was bored one day and playing around on message boards (kinda like now), and found this guy who had a wireless Brand X by Audio Technica guitar unit and he had to get rid of it. I bought for $30. Never used it. I plugged it in as soon as I got it and put it back in the case. Never used it with my band. Then the band broke up. My brother's band played in a Battle of the Bands last night and their guitarist wanted to use it. It started to squeel really bad. After trying to figure out what was wrong, we began hearing the other band playing through his stack. Could the two together be causing problems, or is it a cheap piece of crap? I was getting ready to just put it on eBay, unless i was doing something wrong and it wasn't complete junk.
  14. Make one anyway. I want one but they cost a little too much for me and it would have to be shipped from Germany. You could make one and give it to me! Plus, I think the guitar is really ugly. I emailed the guy a while back about other designs and he won't do it. He won't paint it either. How hard would that be to make?
  15. I got some pickups, but I don't know anything about them. Is there a way I can tell what kind/year pickups I have?
  16. So the thing on it now is crap? If I use the tailpiece, what kind of bridge would I have to get, and how do I make it whammy mammy for me?
  17. The bridge on my hollow body project, http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...?showtopic=3640 is confusing. Is it even a bridge, or do I need to get a bridge? There is no screw holes or anything where a bridge went. That's why I don't know if it there was a seperate bridge. It has a spot for the flat whammy bar, but there is no spring. Is it supposed to have a spring, or does the string tension pull it back up where it's supposed to be? All I want to know is what else I need to make the crapper playable.
  18. Remember my hollowo body project, http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...?showtopic=3640 I was told the second hole on the horn was for a Mic 1 - Mic 2 pot. I have no idea what that is. I got a mic 1 - mic 2 plate that fits over that perfectly. I think I have all the electronics I need now. I'm just missing some hardware.
  19. http://www.dramm.de/detailse.htm
  20. That's what I did, but I only made $6 an hour. I had to work weekends and holidays only. I just quit this week. I would always have to do the crap jobs that the waitresses wouldn't do, and then I get done and hear them making fun of me. Then they wonder why I quit.
  21. My friend just got an ESP 207 with EMG HZ pickups. He wants EMG 707s, but will they fit without routing?
  22. I'm thinking it's the DX10D Dinky. It's the only one I found with the reverse headstock, two humbuckers that aren't EMG, and a Floyd Rose.
  23. I got a Jackson guitar from a friend, but he said it was a Dinky DK2. There is no markings (other than Jackson) that I can see. It has two humbuckers. The DK2s I've seen are S/S/H. How can I tell what I have?
  24. I don't see any screw holes in my guitar where the bridge went. I wanted to keep it close to original as possible.
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