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Everything posted by Mr.Churchyard

  1. Yeah, I know. My point is, if I read "CUSTOM SHOP American Vintage Fender 62 NOS Excellent!" That "NOS" in combination with "CUSTOM SHOP" is an exact description that is not meant to be misleading, but says all you want and need to know about... At least I would inform myself vastly about Fender vintage series and custom shop etc. before spending 900$ on a neck from ebay, so if someone pays 900$ thinking to get a real 62 one, too bad for him
  2. Nope Greg, "NOS" actually is a giveaway when talking about the Fender custom shop, as it is a term regarding the custom shop "timemachine"... Basically the custom shop makes more or less exact replicas of, say, a '60 strat. NOS means it is an exact replica, without aging. CC (closet classic) would have some aging, like a guitar that was played a bit and then stored away, while a relic as we all know is a heavily aged replica. Look here and here. The dealer seems perfectly fine to me.
  3. I get scared when I look at the picture of Matt... He's HUGE!!!
  4. Now this new version is actually looking like something. Still a few improvements needed but it looks really really better now. Glad you acknowledge it too that the first design looked bad...
  5. Pau is portuguese for wood. Pau rosa is pink ivory wood. According to this, "Pau Rosa is admittedly plain looking, but the tap tone is amazing. Glassy and bright with great sustain, it rings like African Blackwood (our most expensive tonewood!)." According to this, Brazilian tulipwood is also called pau rosa, these are two different species as it seems, but I guess it's the first one... Although probably they have the same characteristics.
  6. Now I remember what it remembers me... sort of a molten Jag... But I guess in reality it will look different than the design (worse? better? only time will tell). Go ahead, perhaps the actual result will be a big surprise to all of us...
  7. No, you mean, "Yes, that's what I meant." LOL.. sorry bro, I couldn't resist!!! ← LOL LOL LOL LOL ROTFL
  8. You are right. In fact, harmonized twin guitar leads are known as "Iron-Maiden-type" in rock and metal amgazines. It's a sort of trademark of theirs.
  9. I think this *really* qualifies for a pinned topic...
  10. Why does it seem to me that 90% of the people here are interested in building a jem or converting an rg to a jem or even a strat to a jem? I never tried one and I never will... Because I suspect I'll ge addicted to it, without the money to buy it
  11. Isn't it possible to get gorgeous "exotic" woods in the Dominican Republic?
  12. This is a great example of correct behaviour... RGGR, that neck joint is really cool! Where is it from?
  13. I could order it for you and send it to you if you pay for it... I live in Germany. Last resort though. Cannot believe there is no mother of pearl to be had in Bulgaria... But I think PayPal should work if you don't pay with credit cards.
  14. http://www.edromanguitars.com/featured/exp...ve/wood_950.jpg Incredible... No hotlinking of photos that aren't on YOUR server
  15. I was referring to the tuners on your first guitar! Those black monsters...
  16. So, you'd give even bigger ups to the Spice Girls, right? Sure, they also had very limited musical talent, but they made more money than Creed ever did and had breasts to boot! ← Thank you lovekraft, I hadn't the guts to say it myself after all the bashing
  17. Oh, well... To say the truth you wouldn't have to go as far as double or triple stop bends, you cannot do even a single string bend in classical position! For barré chords, on the other hand, I have always supported "old-school" style: Thumb behind the neck, first finger across all strings, little or no pressure from the thumb... In fact I try to keep the thumb behind the neck most of the time (bends not included). This goes as far that sometimes I play some Hendrix tunes not grabbing the bass note with the thumb, despite it is theoretically more difficult! But as I said, especially with electric guitar, there is no strictly right way to play it... It is just my personal problem! Classical technique should never be underestimated though. I remember the first time I heard Segovia playing Bach, it was incredible. As your description says, we rock guitarists are mostly pentatonic paupers
  18. Any classically trained teacher would kill you for saying this... Well there's no "right way" many would say, but I cringe when hearing advice like this...
  19. Wait a sec devon... Having problems in getting e and b strings to ring out and is *exactly* where it shows you have problems with the barrè finger, devon...
  20. Ebay Germany that's great, could you pm me the name of the guy?
  21. Ah, that's what it reminded me! You're right! Although I don't like that design very much (at least on paper, guess that in real I would judge it differently) I would love to see it with a sort of "Sour Appleburst" like the one Jeremy has on his website... (Btw, Jeremy, I just love that burst) Oh and Godin, perhaps the bottom-left part could be a bit less big... And if you promise to use different tuners, then I guarantee you got my vote
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