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Everything posted by sexybeast

  1. Beautiful work, man. I'll get that good on about my fiftieth build. Congratulations on a really fine piece.
  2. I love it when old wood gets turned into something beautiful. Looks good so far.
  3. I don't know, but it seems like a micro abrasive. The are pretty nice, eh? Saved me a ton of time.
  4. I have a Strat copy I'd like to trade for a Les Paul copy, an RG or some equipment. Maybe a drum machine. My Strat is a WD music Strat body, economy neck bought from here, white pearloid pickguard, H/S/H configuration. I also have a H/H yellow pearloid pickguard to throw in. This is a good guitar I put together myself, obviously. It plays well and looks good. It has the following flaws. 1. A high fret or two high on the neck that I'm afraid to try and fix. I did a very tiny bit of work and decided it was beyond me. It plays good everywhere on the neck except there. 2. I wired it myself and hosed the job. The humbuckers work, but the single coil doesn't. I know the single coil works because on my first attempt to wire it, it worked, but the bridge pickup didn't. I shielded the entire pickup cavity with tin foil and star grounded it, but I suck with a soldering iron. Everything would work if a competent person did the work. The Two of the three pots are new, the bridge pickup is a new GFS crunchy PAF, the neck and middle pickups are Ibanez, out of a RX170. They all sound good. 3. I also hosed the pot wiring. The wiring is all goofed up and there are two volumes. I'm a moron. 4. No trem arm. 5. I gouged the headstock a little while drilling the tuner holes. Nothing major, but I gotta tell you. I'll send pics to anyone interested. Despite all that it's an awesome guitar. Since most of you are guitar geeks like me, you'd have no problem tightening this baby right up. Nothing wrong with it is major, but with the new twins in the house, I have no time to fool with it. I just got a new Cort guitar used and it's awesome, so I can let this one go now and shoot for a LP copy like I've always wanted. US only , please, since shipping would kill me otherwise. Here are some pictures 1. 2. The trem cover is included. The marks on the headstock are pencil, just a pinstriping idea gone way wrong. Any questions or offers, PM me. I'm open to other offers, but I'd really like the LP or RG. A tube amp would be nice also. Lemme know. I am reliable.
  5. I would like to see classical type tuners on electric guitars. The tuner knobs pointing backward are much more ergonomic than the ones regularly used. Maybe not the entire mechanism, but the attitude of the tuners. That is all.
  6. Live and learn, I guess.
  7. I bought this awesome Cort X series this week and the fretboard was filthy. this guitar had been gigged hard. Cleanser and a rag still left streaks of gunk, so I tried a Mister Clean Magic Eraser and it worked wonders. Did a decent job in the frets, too. give it a shot.
  8. Hey Yahilltrade, You still owe me 14 pots and five switches. It's been way long enough for you to set this right. Do the right thing and ship me what you owe me. You've ignored my PMs long enough. Be a stand up guy and hold up your end, this is ridiculous.
  9. I have some nice Cherry for my back and sides and I'm looking for a good top. I hear Cedar's good and I have a garage full of wood for my deck. If I pick through this and find some nice pieces, would they work as a top? I can't see why not, but I'm looking for some advice. BTW, I'm building a classical, if that makes a difference.
  10. I need to put new TOM anchors in my guitar, but the holes are just a little too large from removing the old ones. Do I HAVE to fill and re-drill the holes, or is there an alternative? I was thinking of wetting the holes and letting the wood swell a bit, then gluing them in with Gorilla Glue. I'm not sure about this, though, so I'm asking you guys for advice. The holes are just a tad too big, not gaping.
  11. From what I can tell, the wood makes far less difference than the hardware. Pickups aren't microphonic, so the tone comes less from the wood than the electronics. That said, the wood affects string vibration and sustain. I prefer lighter woods because I can FEEL the guitar vibrate in my hands, inspiring me to play differently than with a heavy, dead piece of wood, no matter how beautiful. Basswood is my favorite and Alder is pretty nice too.
  12. If you took out the insurance, just return the guitar when it's due. Frankly, if it were me, I'd bitch a little because it shouldn't have broken in the first place.
  13. I hear adding a bit of super glue to a nut slot that's too low will fill it in, then you can file it. It's supposed to be a temporary solution, but it'll serve a purpose.
  14. I'm rehabbing the Univox Les Paul copy I got from yahilltrade, folks and I need a little advice. I pulled the frets and am ready to re-level the fretboard. I sanded it a bit and got out some of the pits, but then stopped because I realized I didn't have a really good plan. I read this article about refretting and it sounds like a good way to go about it, but I have a few questions. 1. Do I need to simulate string tension, and if so, what's a good way of doing that? I can make a good hold-down mount easily, so that's not a problem. 2. What do I do with the truss rod? Tighten it, loosen it, what? I know I need to see if the neck's bowed or not, so I could definitely use a few pointers on this one. 3. Is there anything else I should know or do before proceeding? At this point I have: 1. Removed the nut 2. Pulled the frets 3. Sanded the fretboard with a long flat metal sanding block and medium sandpaper. I did very little of this. 4. Removed the truss rod screw and lubricated it with graphite, then replaced the nut loosely, applying no tension. 5. Lemon oiled the fretboard a little since it was bone dry. 6. Put the whole thing back in the case and came to you guys for help. Any advice will be appreciated. I'm pretty stoked about this project since I've always wanted a Les Paul, fake or not. If I do this right, I'll have a pretty decent guitar and I'll have done the work myself. I'll take pictures and start a thread in a few days to show you how it's going.
  15. That or implodes the universe in on itself, creating another, completely reconfigured universe on the other side. One full of strange creatures and exciting new forms of cheese.
  16. Just do it. Even if the guitar sucks, you can keep the electronics and put them in the next one.
  17. Yeah, do a search. I asked the very same thing. I know a lot of builders prefer the tonal qualities of softer woods, but I haven't gotten around to building with it yet.
  18. They were almost six weeks early and they didn't spend one extra day in the hospital. Born Friday, home Sunday. Pretty good, I'd say. So far we're real tired and real happy.
  19. I have three. My oldest is ten, then these two. Everyone's fine, but the boy needs to gain a little weight, so we're on bottle patrol around the clock and mom's doing well too, just the usual post-baby stress. Thanks everybody for the comments, I just so happy. Looks like I won't be building much for a little while, at least until we get things under control. PEACE!!!
  20. My twins were just born and I'm crazy happy!!! Dig my kids.
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