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Everything posted by HenryM

  1. Today I was at the course and I took pictures Say what you think
  2. tell me how they sound I'm always looking for cheap pickups that sound good. And how much were they? They cost 49 dollars for set and five wires so can be. Post payment was 12 dollars to finland so its cheap
  3. Woods look very good. I will follow this build closely
  4. My guitarheads pickups arrived today luckly (day before the course starts) Quality looks way better than on pickups I have usualy used. Juntunen: So oil finishes get hard and thick enought to be buffed?
  5. Patience, just four more days to wait How are yours projects.
  6. Thats one nice looking shape. What pickups are you using
  7. I just ordered pair of hexbuckers Hope they come on two weeks so I can check the fit of them at build it self
  8. My favorites were Hex-buckers and Goldrushes. most likely I will go with them
  9. Hex--buckers souded really good and proze wasent bad. Have you ever ordered from there, Is it reliable site.
  10. I play Ozzy Osbourne, black sabbath and some other older bands music. I tought that HZ4 might fit becoase Randy Rhoads stuff is mostly modern style. I looked those dimarzios and only problem with them would be that I would have to order them from germany so cost would be around 100 euros. Do you know what pick ups jackson uses at RRs?
  11. You should look into getting some tools or it. Making the fretboard is one of my favorite things to do in a build. I might be able to send you a radius block, message me with the sixe you want and il make one. Maybe next build What would I exactly need to make one. I haven really think about making my own fretboard before becoase pre made fretboard actualy cost less than fretboard woods. If you can make radius block I would like to get 12 . Would you recomend some pick ups for my build, I need good 80s heavy pick ups, I tought that EMGs Hz4 would fit but you have played lot longer so you know better.
  12. I did bought that. I dont have tools to make fretboard and it was cheap also.
  13. Still one question. What did come with rustins plastic coating, Did it have thinner included
  14. remember to tell how tests with rustins went, and pics. I am planing to coat my next guitar with it
  15. Hey thanks for that video, Actualy I had seen it meny times before but this time it was more like inspiring. Last time I carved top that way I was making les paul with 6cm thick body and 2,5 cm deep carve so it took long time to do (4,5) hours but 1 cm carve that I would do would take maybe 30 min. Or I could make those steps and take rest out with chisel. Cutaways will be carved by hand with chisel. I will take lots of pictures at course (If I remember)
  16. Ordered! Damm expensive. Do you know where I could get router bit with up bearing. I havent seen one at any store.
  17. I am still planing that. The woodworking course last only for one weekend and 8 hours per day so I am not sure does I have time to do carved top. But those cutways will be carved for sure. I soo your acustic project, looks very nice
  18. Everything exept fretboard. Hmmmm. interesting. Iv played some all maple guitars that sounded absolute shite, But I have an all maple Les paul type thing that sounds savage. Built an all flamed maple thinline tele for a guy that was brilliant aswell. what typ of maple are you using ? All hard ? or soft for the body ? My wood is soft maple and it will be totaly from that.
  19. I am about to make super strat style guitar from maple. It will have neckthru design with one humbucker and one volume pot. Originaly I tought that I will make PRS but then I wanted guitar that repesents more the style of music that I play (80s) And here are my drawings. Actual build will start at next month when I go to woodworking course (It was meant to start at this week but it delayed for some reason.)
  20. non traditional woods as always looking good this war. if you sented pm I cant reply due this spam mess
  21. How do you guys like this idea. If PM operation would be reward if you send your guitar to GOTM.
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