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Posts posted by jessejames

  1. Hey,

    Everyone starts from somewhere. My first ever guitar build was horrendous, way worse than the modding you have done. To answer the question you posted, no, sanding sealer wont will in those marks, you can either sand down, or use some bondo to fill them in. I assume you will be painting it anyway.

    Next time you strip a body, take your time, use stripper, and a scraper, not a chisel. Dont be afraid to save up some money and buy a hand sander to get a lot of the old paint off too.

    Stick around and search the threads on template making and bearing bits, next time you can pre-make a template around the shape you want and get a much better result than freehand routing it

    But finish this one out, you'll learn a lot!

  2. Finally got it fretted, beveled, leveled, crowned and polished, carved the neck, adjusted the neck, shaped and slotted the nut and got the height I wanted, checked the action height, and am now just waiting on the tru-oil before I break it all down and finish it out. Didn't tighten the tuners all the way down because I'm just going to take them right off anyway.

    If anyone was wondering about the franklin hide glue, it held the string tension without a hitch, but my bottle was pretty fresh, I have read after it's a year old it isn't worth using anymore.




  3. Oh, I can do pics haha. I know the nut looks high and crooked, that's because it is, I just slightly radiused and slotted it, I was waiting to get my frets in and strings on to do the final shaping/slotting so I can get the action just the way I want it. You can see I am going to be spending some time leveling these frets, but I got the highest crown height stew mac offered in a medium wire for just this purpose, I knew I wasn't going to get it even close to perfect my first try.

    Here it is in natural light, much better than my first attempts. Glad to have all the help from this forum!




  4. I didn't use a fretsaw, I bought a pre-slotted fretboard from stewmac. But it does measure out to .023, I tried to keep the radius above the 12" radius just slightly, and I hammered them in on one side, then hammered in the other, then hammered the middle. I did not relieve the fret slot edge, and you are right, I knew nothing about relieving the fret slot edge. I still know nothing about relieving the fret slot edge.

    I messed up, plain and simple. I can freely admit it, and yes, I asked on another forum, but since everyone here doesn't frequent the same forums as me, I like to get a wide variety of answers. Just like you telling me about relieving a fret slot edge, no one else said anything like that, so asking in two different forums generated two different sets of advice/answers for me. Thanks for your answer though, I now have something else to google! :D

  5. Okay, so, I tried to fret the telecaster today. Didn't do so well. I used my fret bender, tapped them in just like I was supposed to, but the edges of the fret wont stay down, I tried super glue, but the tang just isn't catching, I did notice that the fret slots seemed too deep for the tang, usually I see the fret tang flush against the bottom of the fret. I used a stewmac radiused board with stewmac fretwire, but it was a disaster all the way down the line, so I just took all the frets out, got the usual little tearout places, so I got the radius block out and sanded the fretboard back down.

    Anyone have any advice? Or should I just send this to someone and pay them to fret it for me?

  6. I did a **** ton of finish sanding today, then went out and wiped it down with naptha to clean out all the pores, got a couple of good pics of what it will look like when I get some finish on it. Will tru-oil give me a super glossy finish?



    I do have a couple of spots I just cant get to come out, any suggestions? Or will some pore filler cover this up?




  7. That's cool! I'm pretty sure everyone is reiterating for reference to anyone else who may be reading. That's what i do anyway.

    The only problem i can see with routing first (and this is a problem that I've had) is if you need to make any corrections to your neck pocket rout because the pocket is too small or too big or whatever, then all of your other routs and mounts will be off. I think it's a safe bet to route for the neck pocket and make sure the neck fits first.

    I know proper measurements are key and everything to making sure mistakes like that dont happen, but sometimes they do, and preparing for that kind of thing by routing for the easiest thing to fix first will save you a lot of trouble in the future and give you more room for error if the unfortunate should happen.

    Yeah I routed the neck pocket and made sure it was snug and on center before I routed for the pickup or placed the bridge. I think people are under the impression that I routed my pickup cavity and placed my bridge before the neck was set. Which didn't happen.

    Here I am mocking it up before I routed


    And here it is after I routed (notice no pickup or bridge route


    And when I did mock it up, the original bridge and pickup locations were off, so I was able to adjust them and get them right, THEN route the pickup, and I only finally placed my bridge after I got two strings on and made sure they were equal distance from the outside of the fretboard.

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