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Posts posted by demonx

  1. How many guitars did you end up building in 2013? and how many do you have planned for 2014?

    Not many, I'd have to check my files but it'd be twenty something. The way I build currently that's the most I can do. I did however have a big stretch of time off from guitars in 2013 whilst I gutted a large section of our house, turned four rooms into one large open plan room. Built new stud walls in spots, re plastered walls and ceiling, built a new kitchen, installed new floorboards, wiring, lighting, painting. Big job and a big chunk of the year away from guitars.

    As for 2014, I have a few handmade orders to build in the first quarter, but I haven't been taking on any new orders so I'll have a lot of time to work with the CNC, learn, practice, experiment etc

  2. really nice work man, what kind of paint do you use for the airbrushing? same lacquer or other kind of material?

    I would assume it is automotive basecoat.

    Correct - Automotive 2k, PPG Deltron to be exact. I mix it to a thinner ratio compared to spraying cars or anything with a full sized gun. Normally I'd mix 1:1 but for airbrushing I mix 1:2

    The red is "Viper Red", left overs from a Chevy Corvette I sprayed a while back, the camo is shades of an Olive color which is an Autothane (Autothane = PPG panel shop range) custom mix and then the shades I mixed myself on the spot using black to darken the two other greens

    I always have white and black mixed up as I use them for pretty much everything. The only Black in this job was in the mouth, what looks like black in the camo is actually a really dark green that is is nearly black, then there is the white in the mouth and the white in the pin striping, then I dusted the whole job with a charcoal color to make it look dirty and war torn, less "brand new" as clean camo looks crap in my opinion.

  3. So many peoples attempts at an "original" design just make me want to puke these days, this one doesn't, so take that as a compliment.

    I do however like the front (horn) end better than it's arse end (looks a bit bulky?), but I honestly don't know how to improve the arse end so it's probably best you ignore me! Might look better with a big chunky bridge mounted back with a longer scale to fill in the space? My tastes are usually the minority around here so don't listen to me too much!

    Anyway - great work and I'm a fan of the grain streak through the middle of the body. A lot of "companies" would class that as a defect or a B grade as it's inconsistent, I myself love things like this, timber is a natural thing and doesn't always need to look like a computer generated printout veneer, a simple piece like this shows individualism in the timber and a lot of people loose that concept by trying to strive for "perfection" - adds character to the piece. Makes it real rather than just another cookie cutter guitar

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