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Posts posted by Bingo328

  1. So I was cruising around ebay and saw a kit to convert an acoustic bridge to lefty if you feel like flipping an acoustic over and restringing it. It basically looks like a piece that sits on your original bridge in the original slot and then the top has the correct angle on it for a lefty. Just wondering if anyone has tried these or have a better solution if your converting an acoustic to a lefty. I was wondering about hieght issues with this kit. Hope there is a fellow Soutpaw out there who has some advice.


  2. So there's this guy on Ebay always selling blanks made out of African Mahogany. Does this have the same tone,finishing, etc characteristics as Honduras Mahogany. That seems to be pretty much the standard as far as mahogany goes right? If they will work out alright I think they're a decent deal. Like 20-25$ for a one piece blank. LMK know what you guys think.


  3. I haven't bought anythink from that BeavisDog guy, but his auctions seem to be pretty legit. Check for Midwest guitars and pickupsrus (although their US shipping was a little high. I've bought from both these on more than one ocassion. Both sell new, factory sealed products that are well packed and get there in a timely manor. Sounds like the ZW set may be your best bet. Or even 2 81's if you want really high output from both pickups. The 85 is a little bit more bassy and laid back compared to the 81, which doesn't have a whole lot of low end and just screams. Hope this helps. Wes is right one tone and one volume are wired together right out of the box but they're no big deal to seperate to customize your setup.

  4. Hi, the 89 sounds basically like the 85 but has the ability to be coil split. It's the only one that EMG makes with this possibility. The ZW set isn't prewired and doesn't come with the toggle switch. I'm on my 3rd set and they all come unassembled with schematics to do several different configs. Also if they don't have your setup on the directions the website has some also, and lastly, you can call the techs at the number provided with the set and they'll help you out. They're really cool and know just about everything about their pickups. Depending on the sound your going for you might want to look into the 60 for the neck position. It gives you a little more high end and a little less mid so you almost get a strat type sound out of the neck pickup. What type of music do you play and what sound are you looking for?

  5. Being a lefty severely limits your options. For the most part you can order black, red, or white with the standard pcikup configuration, and you pay extra and wait longer for it!!! The only way to really get what you want is to do it yourself. Plus I'm a CAD drafter so I can easily make my own designs and templates that are very accurate.

  6. I need to cover up holes for a tune0matic and stopbar that were place incorrectly. The holes have been filled already and I was thinking about doing an inlay over it. Problem is I've already put a pretty serious carve on the top. How can I keep my inlay route flat. It's my first try at inlay and I was hoping to keep it one piece. I wanted to do it in a contrasting wood. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I was hoping to not have to paint the guitar since it is a swamp ash body with very nice grain. BTW I was planning on getting that little plastic router base for my dremel to do this. Is that a good idea?

  7. Hi all. I want to strip and refinish my 85 Gibson Invader. The body I should be able to do using a chemical stripper, but the neck is a different story. I want to keep the black headstock face with the Gibson logo intact. Problem is over the years it has been chipped on the corners and the finish has cracks all over it. It also had some kind of string retainer at one time and now there is big ugly holes above the nut. I also would like to keep the stamped serial number on the back, but it's not all that deep. Lastly when the neck was cleared they went over the sides of the ebony fretboard. I would like to make it a natural finish but keep all Gibson type stuff. Lastly, I tried to post pics of all this but couldn't get them to work. What am I doing wrong. Thanks.


  8. I was talking about that metal hole in the neck pocket. I've heard of the microtilt adjustment but don't know anything about it. Does it set an angle on the neck like a Les Paul or does it tilt side to side. Does anyone know where I might find some of the odd pieces for this guitar including the neck plate and will any type of FR trem unit work or does it have to be the Kahler that Alex said they originally came with? Thanks again.

  9. Hi all, I'm bidding on a oddball lefty body on ebay that I need some info. on. I was told it might be a Fender HM (Heavy Metal)? I've never heard of these but it looks like a decent body for 40$. It has some kind of extra hole/adjustment in the neck pocket I know nothing about. Any info. about anything here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :D

    I can't figure out how to attach a picture but the auction # is 2545427124

  10. While building my first guitar I noticed that after I routed my neck pocket that my template shifted sideways. The result is that I have a gap on one side of the pocket that is almost 1/8 at the top and tapers down until it is snug at the bottom. I need to cut a wedge or something to fix it. Just wondering how to repair this and how can I cut a piece of wood that small and that accurate without hacking off a finger or two? thanks much. :D

  11. Hi all, I was recently working on my very first project getting ready to drill the holes for my neck I just recieved from Warmoth when I noticed somewhere along the line my measurements were way wrong. About 5/16ths at the bridge wrong to be exact. My question is it possible or even worth it to fill and redrill the 4 holes for my Tune-o-matic bridge and possibly shim one side of the neck pocket to straighten out my mistakes. If its not worth fixing does anyone have a creative idea for a body that looks good and doesn't work at all. :D

  12. I drew up AutoCAD plans of my gibson Invader. It's kindof like a mid 80's budget Les Paul. It's not complete but I could send you what I have. It would be no problem to mirror the cutaway to the other side. P.S. the invader has the toggle swith down below kindof like an SG or DC model. Let me know. :D

  13. Hey all, just picked up the new disc as well. I'm digging it too. All I've been reading is how crappy it sounds and boring it is with no solos. Heres my take: yes I would like to see some more lead work but it definately reminds me of my punk rock roots (Metallica were always huge Misfits fans for those who didn't know already.) People who say they don't know how to get a good studio sound are F***ing crazy. This was intentional to bring new life into the music and set it apart from the overproduced garbage spewed all over the radio nowadays. These songs are angry and aggresive, probably cause of James' rehab stint and the departure of Jason. As for the album being plain and not as textured as earlier stuff, it just gives them more of a platform to go off on live, don't think that because there weren't any ripping solos on the album they won't be there live. Also this disc has a couple of almost free jam spots on (ie St. Anger verse) I'm interested to see whats done with these live. And...for those who have never seen or heard Robert Truijlo, your in for a real treat. I've seen him a few times with Suicidal Tendencies and he rips. BTW I also have an original CLiff em all on VHS and it does rip.

  14. Thank guys, I think I will give it a try just to see how it works. I bought my neck so I don't have any scrap rosewood, is there another wood easily available that is the same consistency to practice on? Also I'm kind of stumped on what to make. Its a Les Paul type guitar and I just wanted a fairly simple 12th fret inlay. This is my first inlay attempt so nothing too involved. I like the birds on PRS guitars but don't want to do the same thing. Any ideas or drawings would be greatly appreciated

  15. Hey all, starting to finish up my first guitar project. I was wanting to do a small, simple inlay on the 12th fret of a brazillian rosewood fretboard. The only dremel I have is the smaller battery powered one, I believe it goes to 7,500 RPM's. Has anyone ever used one of these for inlays, does it have enough power to work? Look forward to your advice. :D

  16. Hi, I drew up AutoCAD plans of my Gibson invader which is like a more budget minded Les Paul built in the 80's with a bolt neck. If your interested I could easily mirror the cutaway on to the other side and send you a file. The controls on my Invader were also set up like the DC with the toggle down by the controls. Let me know if your interested. My plans may not have everything you need since I only drew in what I needed but it's a start and I could probably add more detail to them if you want. :D

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