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Posts posted by Bingo328

  1. Thanks for the info everyone. The guitar I used as a pattern was my 85 Gibson invader. The hole in it is about a 1/4 dia. and its one continous drill from the input jack to the control cavity and then through both pickup cavities (toggle switch is positioned like an SG). I think now I may just try drilling from the input to the bridge pickup and then from the neck cavity through the neck pickup and stop inside the bridge pickup. Buy the way, I am using EMG's so noise shouldn't be a problem. I've already put a set in my invader and they work great.

  2. Hi everyone, been working on my first guitar project for a while now, it's going along well. I have a question though. It's a Les Paul type guitar and I was wondering the best way to drill the 11" long hole to run the wires. I've seen the long drill bits but heard horror stories about how the wander when drilling through hard wood. My body is Swamp Ash and is basically done except for the hole. I have access to a drill press but I don't know if it will help since the body is already cut and would be hard to keep straight and level. Anyone have some advice? :D

  3. Hi everyone, Just singed up after being a fan of the site for months. I'm 22 and been a guitar player for about 7 years. I've also been working on a Les Paul/PRS Hybrid type lefty. I'm new to guitar building but not so new to woodworking in general, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions coming up. Looking forward to hearing back from everyone. :D

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