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Everything posted by feylya

  1. Just wondering (and hoping), will Brazilian mahogany be strong enough to make a neck for a 7 string neck through? Also, where is the best/cheapest place to get a 7 string fretboard, preferably preslotted and radius and maybe fretted? Danke.
  2. http://www.lewislp.com/woodchar.htm
  3. That's very very nice. What about a full completed pic when you get it back? And why did you cut it down to fit the case???
  4. http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/warped.htm And this isn't really the right section of the forum to post this in.
  5. I had a pack of Blue steels on my main guitar for six months and I only replaced them cos they snapped!!! He may or may nor like the feeling of this but coating the strings in a light layer of cooking oil might help. That and washing his hands before he plays.
  6. My only problem pulling up is I always break a string, generally G or A
  7. For some strange reason, I just thought of this. Has anyone ever thought about making a guitar top from pieces of wood cut into a jigsaw shape? It'd probably destroy the tone with the amount of glue required but you could use a wood that's generally not available in large enough pieces. What does everyone think?
  8. The guitar ain't half bad but the fact that you gave the guitar to him is very very special. I take my hat off to you sir!
  9. Hopefully someone can sort this. It's for a guy on another forum and it has me comepletely stumped. Here's his post: Anyone got any ideas?
  10. TBH, just make two sections in the tutorial. One for the mechanics of installing the LEDs, the other explaining the theory behind it.
  11. Gonna have to bump this. Hopefully someone will come up with a genius idea
  12. It's approximately a 1.3mm piece of plywood. I thought about a BF nut but it's a locking nut so I'm not sure if it'd work.
  13. I got a cheap seven string at the beginning of last week and on inspection of it, there's a piece of plywood between the end of the actual fretboard and the nut. Also, under the nut is incredibly rough cut. Now, I'd like to get rid of the piece of plywood and fill in the gap under the nut. What does everyone suggest? I would make a new fret board only I have no access to tools or wood to make one
  14. Pics don't work. You haven't made them public.
  15. Hey, GuitarMaestro, where did you get that Lo-Pro Floyd Rose? I think I'll be looking for one of those soon enough
  16. Kirk Hammett doesn't use 85s and there's nothing special about "his" 81s.
  17. I like that idea. The problem with the Carvin necks is they cost money and I don't have any.
  18. Thanks for the replies. I'm not sure about keeping the truss rod actually. I might just get a Hotrod from StewMac. Monkey, the problem is I don't trust eBay for some weird reason. Also, to the best of my knowledge, you can't get a reasonably cheap seven string kit. Plus, I don't know if I like 7 strings that much. If I don't, it will be flogged and something else bought. If I do, let the mods begin
  19. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showforum=31
  20. I am going to take the fretboard, nut and tuners off the neck. I'm going to throw the neck away. I'm going to buy a long piece of wood, probably maple, carve a neck, attach the fretboard, nut and tuners, then stick it in between the 2 pieces of the body.
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