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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Wow, thats really nice, I bet it plays great. -Seth
  2. the downside to this is how much you need done. a complete dressing job could really lower your frets and change the feel of ones guitar. at least thats what ive experienced. ← that is true...really his best option would be to take it back to the person who set it up for him
  3. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/skgs/sk/fretcrowning.htm this is probably the best resource for it, i would definitely practice on something cheap first though, i mean i wouldnt do this to my main guitar until ive practiced
  4. Fret leveling isnt that bad to pay for, now a refret can be quite a bit more. Leveling isnt nothing you couldnt learn to do yourself, I got it down pretty quick, you can do it. -Seth
  5. Just take the straplock itself and use a drillpress to rout the hole out to accomodate a larger screw. I had to do that with an Ibanez bass because the screw that came with the Schallers was too small for the hole, so I just routed the hole out and used the screw that came with the Ibanez. -Seth
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