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Samba Pa Ti

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Everything posted by Samba Pa Ti

  1. the one im talking about is under an audio taper pot, it does not say its an audio taper on the site, just says A500K, it was my understanding that the A meant linear and B was Log, correct me if im wrong here though, maybe email axesrus and ask them if its lin or log ? (i assume A is linear on axesrus since they have log pots labeled B500k etc) i bought the £5.50 one a bit above for use in a tone circuit (swapping tonecaps) it worked like a charm but was a bit of a pointless mod.
  2. I have been looking for a big muff for a while, and the russian muffs seem to have dissapeared from all the usual places, so i decided to get a behringer VD1 and try that, i heard some negative reviews that they dont work with solidstates well (i think its all BS) the pedal sounds pretty good, lots of sustain and plenty of fuzz where it matters. The real magic happend when i plugged it between my korg ampworks and the guitar (using the (digital) wah setting on the korg pedal i can force some crazy sounds out of the guitar) it seems to double the wah effect and add more vowel sounds to it (i can only assume the wah effect sounds better with distortion), i was a little dissapointed with the korg pedal when i got it, but now it has redeemed itself! Only bad things i can say about the behringer (the casing a bit cheap and doesnt seem really solid, it hums a little if i touch it, and the knobs are horrid, i shall be getting 3 chickenhead bakerlite ones ASAP!). As for sound quality compared to the real deal (the EH bigmuff) i dont know what a real one sounds like to compare it, so im not really dissapointed, it just sounds like a fuzz face with sustain IMHO. ~edited so my drivel makes sense just had a sneaky look inside and comparing it to parts listed on the guitargadgets site, it appears all the numbering inside this behringer pedal is identical to the one on GGG heres my blurry picture of the innerds (not much of them) http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/3523/dscf0069su5.jpg bill of materials from GGG http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/pdf/ggg_bmp_bom.pdf near the bottom where d1.d2.d3.d4 are listed they are on the photo on the bottom left of the circuit board various other parts seem to match up (near enough anyway). no wonder everyone Sue'd behringer for copying pedals... lol
  3. caps just dump highs it wont go any higher with a cap just lower, plus without a tone pot its going to be at 100% so it would go very dark and gritty (i dont mind that with some pickups its great with distortion pedals)
  4. you can still do it with the guitar, i dont see a point in putting the amp on full volume :S (unless it only has 1 volume control)
  5. i do it like you, but i use the master volume on the amp so Guitar = 10 overdrive/level/gain = 10 master vol = 3 (this is loud enough anyway) i alter the level depening if i want distorted/clean tones
  6. depends what guitar you want it for, if its a strat with a 5way switch just wire them like single coils (to the same points) need more info if you want special wiring
  7. just out of interest what sortof metal would be in a tree ? screws and nails ? or somthing else ?
  8. some strats are nice but i find i cut my hand on the bridge if i rest my arm on the top, so id have to say i prefer Tele's more (even though the body is a lot more square i find it more comfortable)
  9. ive seen some of them before on different sites (do they all come from the same source ?) they are very nice effects, il try to make a couple of the octave/fuzz ones later this week if i have the time. thx for posting $$
  10. theres a linear one on here with a long shaft 3/4's the way down http://www.axesrus.com/axeknobs.htm "£8.00 each long shaft push pull A500k ohm pot" - "3/4" thread Lenth (1 1/8" total shaft) 2 1/8" total lenth" also a shorter one for £5.50 just above it
  11. woooooo, ive got through about 40 pots (tested them also for noise) got plenty of spares for a while
  12. Ive used to have a marshall combo (mg30) but i gave it to my nephew, also gave him a little portable amp (another marshall) i like the battery powered ones as they dont make loads of noise and dont break my back when i want to move them. now ive got a behringer gmx212, which has two big jensen speakers in the back (very loud) Link , but most of the time i use an Orange Micro crush (another portable) this thing has amazing tone and a clicky overdrive button ( i know some people will hate this crap, lol) the thing is pretty high quality for somthing the size of 2 cans of coke the distortion is very fuzzy as well for such a small amp, great for a practice amp and good as a backup (could run a mic to it then into a PA if you really had to), i might one day get an orange combo and see what im missing.
  13. i love the simple stuff too, but ive got so many spares and not enough guitars to put them in at least this way i can use the parts instead of having them stuck in boxes waiting to be used, i wont sell them either im a horder!
  14. heylo, i was searching on the forums and couldnt find anything about noisey pots (im sure somthings posted here but nothing came up when i searched, so if there is any threads could somone please link me to them if they know of one about the same subject. now, i have a lot of old pots removed from guitars (usually if i fix somthing for somone if it has bad pots il just put new ones in and dump the old crap, is there a way to repair these pots ? i have the time to go through them all and test them, but what is the best method to get the pots back working without much noise ? ive read on other sites about spraying wd40 inside but i dont see how that would help (does it clean the wiper, or whatever is inside the pot ?) again any help appreciated here, i worded this thread so that it would come up in a search.
  15. i think it would this diagram is usefull and shows what would happen (thanks to wickerwolf for posting it, in another thread) this shows that a .020 cap would block more High freqs (what you are experiencing) so a .0047 should let more highs though. im a novice when it comes to tone though, most of my guitars dont have tone knobs (i removed them) the only one i have a tone control in is my telecaster and i use that for distortion (with the tone all the way (or up) it starts to distort really nicely with a .0047 cap in) i dont really know why it does this, i assume its magic.
  16. thats a nice guitar, and yes it probably will look ugly but i stopped caring about looks a long time ago (im using a beaten up old body with lots of paintchips) i was originally thinking of using a set of trisonic's with the lace sensors (they would have looked worse with lace sensors), just have to find a neck that fits and it should be good to go.
  17. should be plenty of room, the body im using as a big trough routed into it, the only thing that will be annoying is the bridge pickup being slanted (i might make it straight when i route the pickguard, not sure what impact this will have onthe sound) i remember seeing an Ernie ball guitar a long time ago that had lots of pickups in it, i was thinking about when i had this idea edit maybe this is it http://www.wolfgangguitars.com/Nigel%20-%20top%202.jpg (im sure they were all different pickups though) it does say its an ernie ball though http://www.wolfgangguitars.com/Mr.Horsepower.htm
  18. i think using a strat switch would mess up the series wiring (and stop me being able to have bridge/neck pickups on together), but thats a good idea for parallel wiring
  19. ok i had this idea last night in bed, and decided it might be good to try. im not sure if the wiring is any good (its a bit weird but seems logical to me) im trying to use 3 lace transensors (not supposed to mix them with other types of pickups) and 3 regular lace sensors (red/gold/silver, not that it matters) so i thought i would use a 3pdt switch to swap the hot leads on each Set of pickups, that way its only 4 switches and im not really mixing the types (havent tried transensors with other pickups so i couldnt say what would happen, it should be fine using this switching. Excuse my diagram (its a mess) i used the brian may switching diagram to make my own since it has nice parts and its neat (not anymore), i like the idea of it being in series also, the grey thing is a (sub)ground for the pickups, i was thinking of using a coin tinned up with solder . spot any mistakes ?!? can anyone think of a way to improve on this ? any input welcome im just bored right now trying to use up some spare parts : ) Edit, just thought about the switching and the negative wires of the pickups, could use a 4pdt switch and then the negative side isnt mixed with the other pickups (not that it matters its just neater) http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/984/pic...ring4pdtno7.gif
  20. ive used ac128 (pnp) transistors is positive and negative ground, so wouldnt it work either way ?
  21. i like the colour its very classy
  22. hehe thats cool and a very low price for a neck
  23. its very cool and simple, im wondering what other transistors can you use ? ac128 for instance ?
  24. i love the body shape, and the tele idea (i like teles ) the strat headstock looks a bit strange on that body, i guess im used to seeing it with a strat body thats probably why, i think a bcrich type headstock might suit it better (like this one http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images...uitar-black.jpg ) but its really not important, its the sound the matters in the end
  25. hi there, Nice paint job if you want to put pictures up use imageshack.us for hosting (its free) theres limits to the size of the pictures, so i suggest just using thumbnails or direct links
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