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Everything posted by tomg666

  1. wow puts my work to shame looks really good not personally somthing id play but its nice to look at and the workmanship must of been huge
  2. heres a link to my photo bucket account to have a look http://photobucket.com/albums/h237/tomg666/
  3. i come from the uk so gcse's are like your final year of high skool exams i think or sumin anyway thanks and i havent used this forum for a while so i forgot about the mods so sorry if i piseed you off it was not ment
  4. here are some pics of it for you to have a look at, inspect, grade, criticise anything. the body the whole thing the table i reclaimed the body wood from http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h237/tomg666/MVC-006S.jpg and a picture of half of the guitar routed wings First of all, one pic per post as per forum rules... Second I removed 2 of your pics, once you remove your NICE finger from them you can upload again. This is your first warning, the next one will be a nice vacation to read only land!!!
  5. i have just finished building my first guitar! monhs of work have payed off. I built it out of oroco wood it is denser then mahogany! but i took out the wieght like a thinline tele and set it up with a gibson with the hardware and neck style but i made it as a bolt on rather then glueing it in as i felt it safer for my first guitar. its got a beautifull top i will try and get a picture up soon for you all to look at it really does play well. But i just wanted to share my ecitement as i did it as a GCSE project im only 16 and its the first big building project of any kind ive done. only faults i can find is that its still to heavy even after the hollowing out i gave it and ive still got to lower the action as im use to really low ones but at the moment it is a little high but easily playable
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