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Posts posted by goat

  1. have you left enough room for a full 1/4 turn of the truss rod?...it doesn't look like it from the pic.

    nice bass though

    Are you talking about the access hole in the fretboard? The truss rod is a stewmac hotrod with a spoke wheel and I am able to turn it enough to get to each spoke.......Otherwise if that's not it, did I do something wrong?

    Two 1/8 turns equal 1/4.You should be fine.You don`t want to adjust a neck in large increments. :D

  2. Don't forget the amp/cabinet.

    I thought it was you when I saw a post earlier.

    Glad that you're Ok and not a mystery stain on the road :D

    Kaj (the P*ss artist formally known as Hotrock)

    Thanks TM

    Here`s the amp.I`ve since made a Mahogany Cover for the head,but I don`t have any pictures of it.

    The amp I built from The Marshall 18 watt spec.They have a DIY forum .


    Amp Cabs




    Nice job. What bridge set did you use?

    I think I used the ABM tailpiece and head but I have a Schaller roller tun-o-matic.I can measure the posts for you,but the spacing on each string is fully adjustable.Three years ago they didn`t charge half of what they are charging now.I think I just discarded the Bridge they sent me.

  3. Drak has asked me to post photos for some of the Newbies. I have not been on the forum for several years.In 2003 I did my first build.Since then I have had alot happen.I now have two beautiful children.

    In late August I got into a head-on collision with a car.I was on my Triumph motorcycle.OUCH!

    I just went back to work last week.

    I am now building two basses(maybe three)so will need the help of all the great luthiers here.This is The best resorce around.

    I could not have built this guitar without it.

    In Progress


    Finished guitar


  4. In Progress


    Finished Axe


    Johnny and I and another legend


    I saw Johnny several more times.He played my blue one backstage and then signed it on top.He couldn`t believe i built it.The sad part is I had already put my camera in the car with my coat.It was sub-zero in the winter about two years ago and I was leaving when James his singer came and grabbed me outside and said "Come on,Johnny will see you now."I just grabbed the guitar without my coat,which had the camera inside.So I don`t have any pics of Johnny playing my homebuilt.

    Thanks! B)

    And I love yours too, you should repost your Johnny Winter Lazar guitar for the new guys here who haven't seen it yet, it's a BEAUT!, I don't think I've ever seen another custom build like it, before or since you built it. Extremely cool, especially since you have a pic of you and Johnny to anecdote it with, I'm a HUGE JW fan!


    My Personal Favorite Guitar Hero of All Time is Roy Buchanan (RIP), and Johnny's tone was as much Searing Into Your Freakin' SkullPlate as Roy's was, I love 'em both.


  5. No I just finished a walnut bass.

    It's bright, but not too bright.

    If you are worried about the brightness, replace the purpleheart with something else

    I thought the Maple Top and Backs might be brighter sounding than the Walnut.I want the Purple Heart in there for the bright color.

    Is the PurpleHeart a good neck wood if I use more of it in the laminate than the Maple???

  6. I know a lot of this will be personal preferences but I`m interested in some opinions just to get some ideas.

    Well I have a shop full of great woods and my friend just gave me a piece of Black Walnut 18"x2"x60".

    I have several bookmatched Flame Maple pieces and some Purple Heart.I want to make a couple of neck-thru bass guitars.

    My question is if I make one with a Maple Top and Back with a Black Walnut core,,will it be too bright sounding?

    and does anyone think a M/PH/M/PH/M laminated neck would clash with Black walnut wings colorwise ?

    Maple=M PurpleHeart=PH

  7. You were referred to about a month ago, someone was asking about Johnny's Lazer guitar and I said one of our departed members had built an excellent rendition of it.

    So you haven't been forgotten about.  :D

    Now, if you had built a STRAT instead, your memory would surely be lost in the annals of time.  :D  B)  B)


    Hey Drak,The one i`m building now is STRAT looking with some cuts and chops here and there..

    A Bookmatched flametop,thru-body maple neck,mahogany wings.

    Johnny played the one I made and then signed it!He said,

    "You made this???How`d you do that???"

    He said it twice .

    I gave props to project guitar forum,so indirectly he knows all you guys helped.

    Drak,where`s some of the stuff you done lately?,I want to see them.I always loved those axes.

  8. :D  B)  :D  :D  :D  B)  B)  B)  B)

    Nice, very nice.  Did you buy the chassis and transformers from Graydon?

    I've been popping in and out of the 18 watt forum, planning the next project.  Are you happy with the amp itself?

    Fantastic cabs dude, is that rope around the edge?

    thanks.Yeah,I got the chassis and trannys from Graydon.

    The amp is the best sounding one I`ve ever heard,and I`m not just saying that because I built it.That`s the reason it`s so popular.

    That rope is just a wood trim I got at Lowes.

  9. when i glued the binding on my fretboard i had some glue seep in to the fret slots....how do i get it out?

    I had that happen and believe it or not ,I used a coarse piece of emery cloth,like the plumbers type,80 grit,and used the edge like a bandsaw blade and slowly sanded through it and cleaned it up with an exacto saw.It was about .020 I think.

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