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Jing Woo

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Everything posted by Jing Woo

  1. Really nothing to do with the question, but who is hiscock and what is his book? Timbo
  2. Fellers, so, I am actually working on two guitars ar once, sort of. My tele that I am refinishing is the first, and then there is my very first electric guitar, recently found and happily held.... However, here lies the problem.... OK, so first off, I have major work to do on the actual guitar. My frets are hosed, my fretboard has all the gunk that a then 17 year old metalhead could get on it, my pickup poles are rusted, I am missing many and assorted screws and nuts and I am probably going to be stripping this one down to at some point to erase the mistakes of funny stickers past. However, by far, far and away my biggest problem is the *&^#*&$# floyd rose. I stick religiously with fixed bridges, now and its all because of that !@**@@))#(@ trem. I have abandoned any plans to rip it out and stick a better (or at least different) bridge in mostly because that would seem to necessitate also having to replace the nut, more woodwork that I am comfortable with or have the tools for, and my sanity. Is there any reasonable way to simply lock this bastard down, never to move again? Along those lines, where is a good place to find replacement "nut-locks" and those freaking allen bolts on the bridge (and, for that matter all that little stuff anyway) If its impossible, then I will probably be stripping her down and selling the parts off, but if its at ALL possible, I really, really would like to make this a functional guitar again ot of pure sentiment... anyhoo, any and all tips would be appreciated..... Timbo
  3. criminy, my spelling really sucked on my last post. All apologies to any english majors.... Timbo
  4. Guys, Thanks for the encouragement.... I got about 98 percent of the top stripped yesterday, though it too forever. I did, in fact, go through and read the sanding tutorial which was valuable except that I read it AFTER I had bought paper, so I ened up taking it down with 150 grit sandpaper which was an exercie in patience. Today, I am going to go and buy 80 grit, and hopefully this will speed things along.... One question though... I noticed in the tutorial that you can use a dowl wrapped in paper for the horns (or, as in my case, horn) and the author said you could then hook this up to a drill.... is that effective? fast? more trouble than its worth? Timbo
  5. Fellows, Allrighty, so I have a Yamaha Tele that I purchased for 90 bucks at the Pawn Shop that I work at. My plan is to strip it, give it a camo theme (chosen because A: I used to be a Marine and I think it will look cool and B: Camo seems to me to be a fairly simple pattern to paint) along with stenciled letters spelling out "Born to Kill" and a peace sign ala "Full Metal Jacket". I bought a palm sander, a few cans of matte paint (shiny camo doesn't seem right) and a couple of cans of clear coat. I also saw an tutorial somewhere on here on how to make a custom decal for the headstock and since I have a Kinkos 2 blocks from my house, thats also in the offing. Anyway, I think I have it more or less figured out, and now is the time for me to learn, as this guitar doesn't mean a whole lot to me. I have a new strat on layaway, almost paid off, so if I screw up too badly, I am not totally screwed. Any advice or tips on achieving a more professional looking finish would be appreciated though, and hopefully at some point I will have a website up that will show the progress of the guitar. If nothing else, at some point you will see a end result (good, bad or awful). any advice is appreciated! Rock On Timbo
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