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Everything posted by travismoore

  1. Nice idea maiden he could probley do it before he glues the top on? Like cut out the cavity from the back peice of wood then glue on the top and cut down the peice he cut out so its thin enough for a cover?
  2. Wow smooth work there! Im starting to really love this bass =) P.S Nice shape you put on the bottom of the fretboard there!
  3. Hey guys, Got some more shaping done on the body and its starting to look pritty smooth now =) Have a look =) kind regards, Travis
  4. Ha ha cool thats got to mean its pritty dam good if people want to use it =)
  5. hey iv got some progress pics! Got the zebrano zeneer on the headstock all glued and to the right shape. And i cut the access to the truss rod out of the veneer so it lies flat and the grain runs all the way through =) Have a look: All the best, Travis
  6. Hey my pickups arrived and there mint condition for only £107 which i think is really good =) Have a look http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/2774/pups2lr.jpg Also i updated the site. Im hoping to get the pickup holes and cavity covers cut out soon probley going to have to use a chizzel as i have a lack of any good tools and machinery. Also i got a thin slice of the zebrano cut to do a venner on the head stock then im going to inlay a T into it using wenge. As well as that iv got some plastic sheet down in my room so i can do work inside where it is warm and dry =) Il try get some work done and post some pictures soon. All the best, Travis
  7. WOW that looks hot!! Can't wait to see it all together =)
  8. Thanks for the quick reply =) Its quite funny though you did it the opposite way around from me starting on bolt-ons where as my first bass is a through neck
  9. Awsome! I just reolised i post on this topic way to much but i really do love these bass's! I got a question though do you ever do through neck's?
  10. Wow awsome =) Cant wait to see some more progress!
  11. Looks amazing! Cant wait to see the finished product =)
  12. I truely love that bass! Any chance of sound clips i would love to hear it in action!
  13. Cant wait till this bass is finished ! Im also really interested to hear out it sounds especially with that pickup =)
  14. Whats this i hear about llamas lol Awsome top! Im on my way to your house now to steal it
  15. Sounds good im doing a zebrano veneer on my bass's headstock also using a slice of zebrano for the cavity cover :-) Also that would put that peice of walnut to good use =)
  16. seeing gizmo's photoshop i think go for a normal through-neck as it dose look awsome =)
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