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Posts posted by Inisheer

  1. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that basswood is the best quality, I'm just saying that it is not as horrible as some people think. I know it is not the strongest, and there are much better woods out there. I am leaning toward alder since it seems a little more durable and looks nicer IMO. :D

    And while we're talking about wood, anyone want to comment on poplar? I've heard similar complaints about that wood.

  2. Basswood is rather soft, dings up easily, and often has mineral streaks. I'd go for either alder or swamp ash.

    This quote is from another thread and got me thinking. :D Is basswood all that bad? Many people here seem to not like basswood. Ibanez and other quality companies use basswood for their bodies. Are there any real disadvantages to using basswood? I've heard people say that it is soft and dings easily, but if you are not going to be swinging it around on stage then there is no real problems of it getting hurt.

  3. I was just sitting here and suddenly remembered that basswood can take stain well. A while back I made a windchime for my mom (don't laugh :D ) and I think I used basswood for the base. I remember staining it a darker shade of brown. If I can stain it dark brown then I can dye it blue, right?

  4. Thanks, that blue alder in the tutorial looked great. :D .....but on second thought, I don't really have access to alder. Are there other woods similar to alder that would look good in blue? I could get basswood or poplar, but I'm not sure if they're good with dye. And I figured mahogany wouldn't work. :D

  5. Is there any simple way of doing this such as just sanding it down to the bare wood and leaving it?

    You could, but I wouldn't recommend it. Finishes aren't entirely for cosmetics, they also offer protection from moisture and stuff that could ruin the guitar eventually. I would sand down to the bare wood, then brush on some sanding sealer. Then you would just use fine grade sandpaper and add some clear coats. I've never done a natural finish so I don't know if this is the easiest way. But is the easiest way usually the best way? :D This way won't be quite as easy as the oil finish, but it seems like this is what you want. Good luck. :D

  6. :D Whoa....the cool pic in the signature makes me dizzy. :D

    Anyway, it depends on how much you sand. Your plan may work if you only sand off the paint. But if you sand down to the bare wood then there are some extra steps involved. You'd probably have to prep the body again before you could clear coat.

  7. For an upcoming project I want to make a guitar with a flamed maple veneer on top. I am going to use the blue dye from stew-mac to stain the whole guitar. Most guitars I've seen only dye the top and leave the sides/back natural. But I want the whole guitar to be blue (except maybe some natural binding). What different types of wood would dye well. I know ash looks nice stained. Do alder or basswood work well with dye? I've thought about mahogany, but it is usually a reddish brown, so I'm not sure if it would look nice blue? Any pics, advice, or comments would be nice. Thanks. :D

  8. ^ Sorry, I didn't mention all the details. It had sanding sealer and was prepped very well. The paint went on smoothly and everything seemed fine. I guess my problem was not removing the tape when the paint was "tacky." I waited several days before taking the tape off, so it was very dry. Then the paint ripped. So I took off the tape and tried to fix it up some and gave it some more clear coats. Now I'm just waiting for it to dry and hoping nothing else bad happens. :D And thanks for the reply.

  9. I am finishing my first guitar and have a problem. It has binding, so I masked that off before spraying. I then used cheap krylon to spray the color coats and the clear coats. Then I slowly took off the tape over the binding, but when I did it ripped off a little paint around the binding and the edges of the paint aren't very even. There are little jags around the edges, so I tried scraping some off. Am I supposed to take off the tape before I do the clearcoats? Is it too late for me to fix it? :D Sorry I can't get any pics right now, but if anyone has suggestions I'd be grateful.

  10. I agree with the rest of you guys. I like 1 volume, 1 tone, and one switch. But I rarely use the tone switches anyway, I just leave them all the way up. I guess I like simplicity, the less controls the better. :D And although I love Les Pauls, I don't like the controls they have....four knobs is too tricky for me. :D

  11. I also enjoy having these W.O.D. conversations about once a year, it shows who's new around here, because we've been having this same conversation as long as I've been a member here

    True. :D I just found this site a few months ago, and might not be privy to all the previous conversations. But ever since I've joined PG you have been an inspiration to me. So sorry if I am a little upset when you throw away things that I would love to have made. But all is good- I respect the rules of the 'castle.' :D

    why are you the builder any less entitled to a spectacularly wonderful guitar than someone who is paying you money for one?

    I couldn't agree more on this. B) If people are willing to make a quality instrument to sell, then why should they settle for anything less for themselves? I would care just as much and/or more if I was making an instrument for personal use.

  12. Sorry, I know this is probably a really dumb question and everyone knows the answer but me, but I've searched and can't find it. What is the difference between the different grades of maple? Sites always say low figure/high figure or AA/AAAA, etc. But what does this mean? Does more figure mean more 'lines' on a flamed top, and bigger 'waves' on quilted tops? I'm confused. :D Could somebody please post pics and/or explain the difference to me? I want to do a maple top on a guitar, but don't know what kind to get....they all look pretty much the same to me. Thanks, and pardon my stupidity. :D

  13. Hey, thanks for the tips. I figured I'd need to mask off the cavities, but I wanted to double check with the pros. :D And for hanging the guitar, I was going to do that when I painted and to let it cure. But I wanted to know where to lay the guitar for wetsanding and the final polish. Do you still let the guitar hang for this? :D

  14. I am finally ready to do my first paint job (on a cheap saga kit for practice). But I have a few last minute questions before go at it.

    1. May be a dumb question, but what do I lay the guitar on while I sand/polish? Do I lay it on a hard surface or a towel? Won't the paint take on the texture of what I lay it on?

    2. I got my kit from Universal Jems and it comes with some black stuff in the pickup cavities (shielding paint or something I think.... :D ) It rubs off on my fingers when I touch it, so does that mean it may come off when I paint it? Should I mask off the cavities before I paint to prevent this?

    Thanks in advance for any advice. I'll post some pics when I finish it, if anybody cares. :D

  15. Hey, I'm a newbie and I just got a saga kit for practice too. B) Getting ready to paint mine, so when I finish then I'll let you know how it turned out. Gonna try the bullseye design. :D

    PS. shouldn't this be in the finishing category instead of solid body guitars? :D

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