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Posts posted by Inisheer

  1. I am 19...and that seems like the low end on this poll. And honestly I like the fact that this site has a lot of older people. I have been to certain other guitar sites (no names mentioned) that I can't stand! They are overrun with middle school/high school punks that are vulgar and can't even have serious discussions. For the most part, this site is very helpful and moderated, showing the maturity of the users here. Keep up the good work. :D

  2. I've searched through the forum and it seems like the consensus is that #5 planes are pretty much the standard for guitar use. You need at least 14" long from what I've read. Is this correct? Do you need a #5 plane or will smaller ones work too? I would be using it to make neck blanks and plane the edges smooth. Also, there is a sale at Woodcraft right now for this Groz #5 bench plane. Does this look like it would work for making neck blanks or do I need a better one? I have seen many people recommend ebay for buying used stanley's or similar. Any input? :D

  3. Almost two months later (school is hard this semester) I finally have the body cut out and sanded a little. I will do the routing for the neck pocket before I finish sanding the body. I don't want to do that until I at least have the bridge so I can measure exactly, so I guess my next step is to start ordering parts. :D


  4. Well, I bought the 10" Craftsman yesterday and I used it tonight. It had more table space which was good. It did have the guides and other accessories, which I also like. This one seemed to cut faster than the Delta did and overall I am glad I paid an extra $30. I have only used it for about twenty minutes so far, but I like it. :D

  5. Sorry....I don't know what's wrong with the link, it works for me. And yes, I agree that it is important to do research about any investment. I've been wanting a small bandsaw so I've researched various 9" ones and Delta and Ryobi seem like the only choices for my $100 price range (delta looks like the better of the two). But I was at Sears yesterday and saw this 10" one on sale. It is usually $160, but for this week only it is marked down to $130. It seems sturdier to me and would be better for cutting thicker material. I've done research and have read many reviews from woodworkers sites and they do not seem to favor the delta for thick materials, so I thought this would be better. I am only considering this since this week there is a price drop, $60 is a bit much for me to pay at the moment, but I think I would be willing to hand over 30 bucks for a better machine.

  6. Sorry to drag this thread on.....I haven't used this bandsaw much yet, but I happened to see this Craftsman 10" bandsaw for only $30 more. It is a has a slightly bigger table, has a bigger cutting height, is made from better materials, and comes with a rip fence. For only a little bit extra money, this looks a lot better to me....but I am no expert, does anyone else have advice? Should I stick with the Delta or try this one instead?

  7. tighter isn't better. The "correct" tightness is better. The book that comes with the saw gives instructions on how to tension the blade.

    :D Ok, I feel stupid now. But thanks for that point, it made me realize something else. The wheel on the top of the machine is used to adjust the tension, and I followed the instructions. But in the picture in that link, that wheel and spring under it are straight. The one on my saw was bent....I thought maybe it was supposed to look like that, but the picture is different. Is it straight on yours? Maybe mine was broken after all.....

    Thanks again to both of you for the help.

  8. Thanks for the replies :D . I know this is the cheapest one available, but I didn't expect it to break after 20 minutes. This is the first bandsaw I've used in the last five years, and I'm a little out of practice at adjusting them so maybe I did have the blade tension too high. I thought the tighter the better....I take it that is wrong? I don't know if the piece was already broken, maybe I'll try a new one since I know what parts to look at next time.....

  9. For Christmas I got this 9" Delta Bandsaw and I just got around to putting it together this past week. It was easy to assemble and I was happy with it. I practiced cutting scrap woods ranging up to 1.5" thick and it cut smooth as butter. I then started cutting out my bass body which is 2" thick and it cut easily through that. I only got a little done on the body though and then I heard a rattling sound. The belt inside needed tightened, so I did that and it was fine again. Then I was cutting through something else, less than 1/2" thick, and the saw messed up. The blade would slow down and stop moving. I checked inside and noticed there was a piece broken. The part connected to the wheel was broken (stupid plastic!) and so the wheel won't move. I don't think that is replaceable so I am returning it to the store.

    My questions: I thought Delta was a pretty reliable brand so why did the saw break after only 20 minutes of use? Was this just a defect, or does the plastic piece mean all of their saws will break again? Should I get a new one, or look for a different brand that might be better? Any comments would be appreciated.

  10. A little bit more care is necessary for violins. Guitars are actually pretty durable, but violins are fragile. They need cleaned frequently, and the bow needs rosin. Some have replaceable bridges so you might want to do that if it is in bad shape. They are not as technical as guitars are though. :D Also, the tuning pegs on some violins are loose and won't stay tuned so you can buy a wax-type substance to rub on it to hold it in place better. I'm not an expert on violins, but I hope this helps a little.

    Also, I agree that violins are a lot harder than guitars. I love ALL musical instruments and try to learn as many as I can, but I never could understand the violin. Guitars are easier- hooray for frets! :D Anyway, congrats for learning a cool instrument and good luck getting a nice one.

  11. Rich, thanks for showing us those links. I agree that it is nice to see to such acts of kindness. It is great that people can get so close on a forum and are willing to help each other that much. That said, I am not able to help anyone at the moment, but I hope that someday I will be able to help like that. Money is limited right now, but this charity idea has my full moral support. :D Also, thanks for the links....I have never seen that site before but it looks like it will be another helpful place to look at.

    MiKro, Merry Christmas to you and everyone else too.


  12. Somebody I know is getting rid of a bed soon and is throwing it away, but they said I could use any of the wood from the frame if I wanted it. I don't know what kind of wood it is or any details, but if it looks decent I will try to find some use for it. There have been several projects on this site before that were made from old furniture, etc...and hopefully I can add to that list.

  13. I think the pre-amp is what will be giving you a wider range of tone, so definitely go active if you're wanting a wide range of tones. Next important would be pickups - I'd say a P/J pickup config will give you a wider range of tone over 2 soapbars.

    Thanks. I won't be using active pickups or a pre-amp on this, I'm trying to keep my first project as simple as I can. But I think I will stick with my original plan and use a PJ config. As for the brand...probably emg selects since that is about all I can afford for this project.

  14. No progress yet. I am getting a router soon so I am waiting to start the actual work on this until the end of the month. In the meantime I am trying to read up on routers and bits and learn as much as I can before I actually start using the tool. :D My plans are still pretty much the same, but I modified it slightly. The body seemed a bit fat and stubby so I narrowed it down a little, and I decided to use gold hardware instead of chrome. I wanted to use PJ style pickups, but lately I've been considering soapbars instead. Any recommendations for which would give a bigger range of tone?

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