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Posts posted by Prostheta

  1. If a luthierie is releasing a video giving insight into their "tools of the trade", i'm sure that showing somebody hammering in frets looks a lot more old-school and "desirable" than a chimp whanging frets in using an arbor. Maybe i'm biased against marketing, knowing how it works to manipulate your perceptions. Anyway. I think that on the face of things, hammering in frets makes luthiers look experienced and confident which leaves an impression on your mind of attention to detail, care and consideration.

    Personally, I love the Taylor factory tour where they make no bones about CNC machines, automated spray booths and all the advanced manufacture procedures which improve potential error margins hugely, and make what used to be boutique craftsmanship down to earth. Of course, boutique craftsman make one-off creations, whereas manufacture is geared to quantity....

    I digress. I believe that pressing is as good as hammering, but this is dependant on who bears the hammer or the press. A badly slotted and prepped board will suck no matter how good the fretting. Whatever works for the luthier to achieve the same end result shouldn't matter unless you're severely suffering from obsessive-compulsive guitar manufacture disorder.

  2. Definitely - I would probably approach it with my head before putting hell to wood :-D

    My Ibanez S1640FM is just over 1/2" thick at the rear button and horns, and widens in the recesses....


    I realise the shape is computer carved, but as a CAD technician I kind of wonder what the basis behind the radii are around the body....it could be as simple as a flattened football (rugby ball to us English!) or a number of radii....I'd love to know the answer to that one....and then to be able to build a non-duplicarver jig for it :-D

  3. That's exactly how i'm making my BIG router jig! I'm using the rectangular cold extruded iron bars for the horizontal and round tubes for the vertical instead of the U sections (they had a bit too much play).

    Isn't B&Q novel to improvise from? The electrical dept. had round black ABS conduit which i'm sure would work nicely as an insert for top mount jacks a la the Ibanez' S I have....

    Was the maple ready cut or did you have to do that yourself?

  4. I think there has to be a lot of sarcasm in there man. I haven't really gone out of my way to see proof of sarcastic concept however! An acoustic V must be the most pointless thing ever unless you want to play in the classical stance all of the time of course :-D

  5. I was going to have our car resprayed gold, and then given a serious dark cherry red kandy over the top, but I couldn't convince my wonderful wife of such a thing. As it turned out, we could have gone that far but hey - no regrets in life man!

    Your bike frame looks awesome...how does the colour look under bright light considering it's silver base? This is why we were going gold first....I wish HOK jobs weren't so expensive.

    </cry cry cry>

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