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Posts posted by Prostheta

  1. Now who was it who told me to be careful about pulling the oils out of padauk with acetone? I'm not going for a peach guitar, no way :-D

    I completed the carving today, and routed the recess for the bridge base. Also managed to create a 1/16" thick bookmatched veneer for the headstock which I intend to create Forstner'ed recesses in for the tuner bushings similar to my Yamaha RBX775.



    Obligatory second shot!

    Oh yes, you'll also notice that I have added a very slight Metal Matt inspired constant radius over the top of the instrument so it is no longer perfectly flat on the top contour.


    The back needs work next, although I'm tempted to settle for a simple flat back with a gentle roundover around the perimeter. I wait to be convinced otherwise on this score!

  2. Your advice is much appreciated Mikhail. I can't believe I forget that I started this thread!

    Anyway - I much prefer the PRS finish in relation to what I'm aiming for. I've shifted my goalposts slightly and decided to Rustin Plastic Coating the bass (instead of oil) with faux binding at the edges. I'm not stealing your design idea's soul though! :-D

    How did you mask yours off to prevent dye bleeding? I'm considering using painted-on shellac, or perhaps masking the body using painters tape and spraying sanding sealer. The sandback colour is going to be black with a bit of red added for bringing up the final "redness" with a slightly lighter sanding accent around the carves to bring out the shape of the instrument.

  3. UPDATE!!

    I built up the router table and used a 1"/45° chamfer bit set to chamfer 5mm up from the black pinstripe line to rout around the entire body up the the recesses near the neck, including into the side recesses. From there I used a combination of chisels, planes and spokeshaves to work the side up to the contour I drew up on the top of the body. From thereonin I just sanded with 80 grit and brought it up to 120 for the photos.

    The carve is nowhere near finished as I still have to do the bottom half of the body (only a rough carve right now) and the back needs to drop down for the bridge and tailpiece. I'm almost 98% certain I'll dye the top red on black and use Rustin's plastic coating.

    Tomorrow I'll probably plane down the bookmatched veneer I'm making for the headstock. Either that or I'll destroy it in the process. We'll see.



    View 2 of carving

    View 3 of carving

  4. Mike - i'm considering finishing the bass i'm building with Rustin's Plastic Coating (2 part cold cure lacquer) although my concerns lie purely with the pore structure of padauk. Will it sink into the pores a lot or should I grainfill? Popular opinion says that it fills and seals nicely so I suspect two coats would be enough. Perhaps one coat over a grainfill?

  5. Try it if you have a good design which is structurally sound and theoretically practical. Seriously. Before this thread turns into a:

    - "oh, that would be like xxxx guitar but with different xxxx"

    Ideas can easily be dampened down by aligning them with ideas that are already in place. Follow the established guidelines of instrument making and you'll make something which is undeniably of your own making and brainchild!!

    Although, It'll be freaking heavy - yes.

  6. The longer and less supported a neck is, the greater the chance of it having deadspots. You can also minimise the risk of dead spots by building in stiffness to the neck, either by laminating it from several stiff woods, or by using carbon fibre bars alongsie the trussrod.

    Hahaha. As always Setch - how much more concise and to the point can you get?! :-D

    Damn, you killed the whole debating thing man.

  7. Having the pickups set too close to the strings will disturb the ability of the strings to vibrate naturally, as will high powered magnets. In many ways, active low impedance pickups with lower magnetism like EMG's will give a "truer" sound.

    Excellent summation! I find that EMGs are wonderful in their transparency and "unintrusiveness". On the other hand, they are also a little characterless in comparison with their organic quirky brothers :-D

    On a slightly off-topic sideline, I think the current marketing blurb talk for a "truer" sound is currently "hi-fi" making out that a semblance of realism, or lack of noise/distortion is inherent in active pickups. Misleading by analogy. In reality it's the build of passive pickups (strong magnets) that cause the problem as you explained! I wouldn't use "hi-fi" as an analogy of this difference. My analogy against hi-fi in a reversed vein would be using a flint as a needle on a record player.

    Okay, I'll say it before somebody else does: "what the hell are you on about, Carl?!"

  8. CooL! Is this basically the same cosmetically as an LP toggle? I wouldn't mind one of these myself...!

    I do have another one if you really want it. I'm not sure how much shipping would be to UK, but that's about all it would cost you.

    For wiring, how about,

    Three volumes, a master tone, and the three way switch just selects one pickup at a time.

    The only wiring I've done is swapping out a few pickups, so I dont want to get myself into anything I would get too overwhelmed with and never finish. Is there anywhere I could get a diagram for this wiring?

    Once again thank you all for your replies. :D

    I was more thinking as a retail source for when I find a use for one, now I know they exist but thanks for the offer! :D

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