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Posts posted by Prostheta

  1. I can vouch for North Heigham if you're considering buying a load of rough cut lumber, storing it and drying it through like I am :-D

    The wood in the small piece shop is dry but you have to be lucky to find exactly what you need. That said, we did come away with some nice looking black walnut for my wife's chambered LP build!

  2. Not really - this doesn't surprise me. Tesco are expanding outwards and are potentially going to be a major thorn in Walmart's side. You look around Lowestoft at random old Save garage sites (and various other pieces of mid-city unused land) and Tesco probably own it. They buy land up to stop competitors opening stores up, and leave it undeveloped. Thankfully we have both of them as clients so we couldn't give a toss.

    Nice bandsaw, but I much prefer their clotted cream rice pudding man.

  3. How about assembling the guitar using inadequate tools to give the screws on the tuners + cavity plates the "stripped head" look?

    Nothing says rock like a craply designed and built guitar. Hah. Hoo yeah. Stupid.

    I'll stick to my ESPs thanks. They tend to finish their instruments (unlike me).

  4. Just reading your newspaper there.

    "made for a queen"?


    "3 for 2"!

    It says "fart" as well. Hehe.

    I didn't expect red. This is certainly going to have to be entered into the guitar of the month content Pukko. Very nice!

    He he, you've been introduced to our local newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning! Finally a good use for it! So you know Swedish then? For all you non-swedish speaking people, fart means speed in Swedish. High speed=hög fart, and since you don't have the dots over the o that would be hog fart, then... Lovely language, right? Exhaust fumes from a Harley perhaps?

    Thanks, you think it's good enough for guitar of the month?! Let's see if it ever gets finished first... I'm not exactly the speed champion when it comes to building guitars, I sneak down to the basement when the rest of the family is asleep so there isn't too much free time to work on this. And I'm really curious, what colour did you expect it to be? It's interesting for me to know since I've pictured it red pretty much from the beginning.

    It was actually guesswork and some corrections by my wife. I don't speak Swedish and know only a little more Finnish L:-D

    I thought it might be black or white to be honest!

  5. EQ controls like those on mixing desks are active as they provide boost as well as attenuation. Passive tone controls only cut, so I would consider whether you want clever selective cutting (as said, Varitone) or a more flexible system which may take a lot more dialling in if you're looking for multiple tones to use live.

  6. Sorry, I totally forgot the point of my last post. When using sash cramps, I clamp across the two boards and use four flat cauls to make sure the boards glue evenly side to side without sliding. A bit of greaseproof works nicely there :-D

    If silicone is a problem with greaseproof under the cauls, the plane soon removes it!

  7. Very very nice clean build there Pukko. It also reminds me of an ESP/LTD guitar which I wished I had bought when my wife could get crazy near-trade prices. The model is the JP-600 and can be found here -> http://www.espguitars.com/guitars_jardel.html

    Yours definitely has that monochrome Mosrite vibe about it for sure. Very stylish!

    Hey Slabbefusk - I didn't realise you were Swedish :-D

    I'm itching to do a similar scorching technique as you did to your RG a few moons back.

    To comment on the "is there a lot of birch in Sweden..." well, last time I was in Finland (visiting family) you couldn't MOVE for the trees :-D It's like, a land of trees interspersed with water and occasional concentrations of Finns who gather purely to drink beer.


  8. Excellent :-D

    I quit smoking the day prior to the US starting up (Sept 10th) and haven't looked back. Burning your hair smoking makes you kick yourself even harder than ruining your health does! Also, smoking a cigarette filter-first because you're drunk does that. Anyway.

    You should find that there are other pieces of recording software that can use your webcam as a USB video recording device.

    How's the tonal balance across the range? I've got a bit of play left on the width of the pickup and I was wondering whether angling might still be a possibility....

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