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Posts posted by Prostheta

  1. I'm more referring to the way the demand has pushed up the prices in the second hand and "cut price" sector. You can regularly see second hand EMG pups on fLeBay going for well over half the retail price whereas when I bought an 81 and a 60 I got them for under 1/4 of retail.

    Also, EMG distributors are unable to supply pickups outside of their territories so I can't order from the US for example. In the UK I rely on thomann.de (near retail price) or staff price from a local retailer (well, one of my guitarists works at a music store...) and I get a very good price direct from Sound Technology, the UK distro.

    The lack of availability of decently priced second-hand pups from places like fLeBay mean sales at retail are more common to satisfy demand (a lot of EMGs on fLeBay are new/retail also). Until the market saturates and fLeBay gets flooded with a backwash of second-hand EMGs that people want to swap out for JBs, Invaders etc. I will still have to buy via retail myself!

    Can anybody else think of cheaper places to buy EMG other than fLeBay or a relaxed retailer? I would be very interested same as Matt!

  2. Hey Rob - yeah, we're playing with Dry Kill Logic as top support on Wednesday night. Are you a DKL fan or are you (clutching straws here...) the Rob from London, formerly from Lincoln?


    Nice bit of French polishing there, Rich. I had a look at the Liberon range a while back but couldn't make head nor tail of where to start. :D

  3. You'll be lucky. Successful marketing has elevated the EMG brand into the Oakley stratosphere :-D

    You might get lucky on fLeBay if you find one on Buy It Now, but auctions tend to get bid on a lot for EMGs. Rare one goes cheaply on standard auction. I would be tempted to say "befriend a music store owner or repair tech and try to get them at trade". I can usually buy EMGs at trade+VAT+10% which isn't too shoddy compared to full retail.

    First plan of action is to set up a favourite search term on fLeBay which will inform you of items possessing "EMG" and "707" or "40DC" in the title and hope something comes in on Buy It Now at a decent price!

    Best of luck. I would like a couple of 40DCs myself for the Vampyre 5.

  4. I guess the difference is in whether you are after something specific when you don't have the finances (pain!) and when you pick something up which is a great price whilst you have got the cash. I didn't mean to pick up the S1670FM (oops! mis-called it an RG there in my previous post...) but it was going on Buy It Now for a totally stupid price, case and pickups included!

    Moral of fLeBay is: Money - when available - will expand your instrument purchasing scope hugely. Always. When money is not available, that which you desire is ALWAYS on sale for something just out of reach of current ability. Therefore money is inversely proportion to the availability of desired items, and items are spitefully proportional to the available funds.

  5. :D

    Hmm. Well, the eight-string i've got underway is designed around being a 30" scale tuned F#BEADGBE. I prefer 10-46 sets on my "normal" guitars in standard E, but I have no immediate idea on how to calculate string gauge based on a crazy-ass scale and low tuning. My gut tells me to try out a 12-56 set for low B through high B with an 8 on the high E and a 66 on the F#. I presume the change in gauge vs. open string tuning would require the D/G/B/E strings to be plain as opposed to a wound D.

    The other worry I have is actually getting the string to fit through a normal strat-style saddle as the bridge I have is the Hipshot eight-string bridge. I can't see it being an issue hugely although I might have to round over the saddle transition a little due to the heavier wind and possibility of unravelling.

    Any methods of working this little paradigm out would be greatly appreciated as I would be using the hit and miss method otherwise, and that means lots of wasted strings!

  6. I've always managed to score comparatively well on fLeBay.

    Japanese ESP Explorer EMG81/60 NNC for £450

    LTD Explorer EMG81/60 GC for £250

    Ibanez RG1670FM with full SD pickup upgrades NNC for £550

    Peavey 5150 Mk1 head GC for £300

    Marshall JCM800 2203 100w head for £220

    Marshall JCM800 2203 100w head with 1960A 4x12 for £280

    Jackson neck-thru Rhoads NNC for £180

    Various non-HZ EMG pickups for less than 1/2 retail


  7. Being scared with doing a mod or real invasive work is sometimes a good sign. Figuring out how to be 100% confident in what you are doing, why you are doing it and near enough guaranteeing that it will work is all part of the game :-D

    Personally I wouldn't mill into the neck pocket unless you have plenty of depth of wood under the pocket (1/4" can be a lot of removal!) I'd go for the neck seating face option. I would personally try planing it to remove a little wood at a time, although planing through to 1/4" of adjustment is a lot, and easy to go off the parallel.

    Perhaps removing 1/8" in the pocket and planing 1/8" off the neck seating face?

    See what other people recommend first Wonko before putting hammer to wood - there are plenty of people who can suggest alternative courses of action which may surprise you :-D

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