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Everything posted by danny_v_l

  1. u think u can save it for me???
  2. ok let me see what i can scrape up how long before u need to sell it i have half rite now and on christmas i should be gettting more
  3. i mite try a tri guitar case, to hold my bass, and two guitars, u no what would be tite, is have the cases as long as a bass case and for the two guitars have two casses that are as big asa gutiar and use the accese as a amp, i will draw a pic latter if u don't get it
  4. umm... 50, all i need are tunners and a finger board, and this mite just do it
  5. hey guys on some peoples basses i've seen some wood p/u covers does any one no where to get them, i am making a bass and its a neck thru witha purple heart neck, so i was thinking about wood p/u covers stained purple
  6. i've had mine for almost a year now and the only thing i have replaced are the strings and a new knob to match the color of the body
  7. i own one its awsome, its like a tele well the bodyshape is, its a nice guitar, if u find some music man p/u and it would most likely sound like a axias, but othere then that yeah it worth the price
  8. heres a link to the other topic http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...?showtopic=3233
  9. if that didn't work then i hope this does and if it doesn't ur sol http://community.webshots.com/photo/924309.../99183128EdADhf http://community.webshots.com/photo/924309.../99183281YpbVrV http://community.webshots.com/photo/924309.../99183335aslnDL
  10. heres the link to my page u'll be able to spot it out, http://community.webshots.com/album/92430921rMmXSF
  11. are u willing to part?? i need a bridge, tuners umm.. p/u as we were discusing earlyer,
  12. what kindda finger board u thin i should use, i was thinging birds eye maple or trying to find a purple heart finger board that would be killer
  13. Note: that white piece of Wood in the clamping Proccess is not being glued on it is there so i will not ruein the finish on the other side
  14. Here are those pics if u couldn't see them before,
  15. natural, and it cost my 50 bucks for all of it, not bad now i have to invest in a brigde, strings, nut, tuners, p/u, pots, string retainers amd i thing thats it. E-Bay Here I Come, if any one has any parts plz let me no oh if the pics didn't work, i will post some in a little, from a diff. pic hosting site.
  16. Hope this works............ here is the neck being glued coming soon..... body planed, glued and cut
  17. Heres what i hope to accomplish, Make a bass with a p bass p/u at neck and a j-bass at bridge, with a master volume and a tone for each pick up and a sweep. Wood/Parts and Whatnot - Neck Tru Bass - 1 vol. 2 tone 1 sweep - P bass p/u and j bass p/u - Purple Heart Neck/Head Stock - Curly Maple WIngs/Sides stay tuned for pics well have them up shortly
  18. opk thanx alot this is gonna help me out and once its done i'll give u props for the wiring diagram thanx again
  19. oh yeah and a sweep heres how i came about all this http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...?showtopic=3213
  20. ok what i wanna do is have a p-bass p/u at the neck and a j-pass at the bridge, - 3 way p/u swicth so i can select either the p or the j or both p/u -volume pot. for j p/u and volume pot. for b p/u - a tone pot. does anyone have a wiring diagram or no were i can get one or can u make me one thanx
  21. thats exctly what i'm doing next week, building a neck tru bass purple heart neck and curly maple wings being glued and then gotta go get it planed
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