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Everything posted by angry_jeremy

  1. I was watching a little vid interview with the boys from Sevendust the other night, they use scales that are 25" (Clint, PRS) and 24-3/4" (John, LP) and tune to drop B (Drop D, down 1-1/2 steps). The thing is they use .015 sets of strings!! I ws floored! I don't think I can even buy those here at home! I've got a guitar I put together with a Strat neck and I've got 'er tuned down to drop B with .011 strings. A little slack but do-able Good luck
  2. Good gravy that ALSA Corp stuff is pricey!!! I think I'll stick with the $30 duplicolor kit thank you very much!
  3. hmm, good call... I think that shin-er-up package of stuff is a little pricy for a little explorer p/g. I might do the whole sanding in progressively finer grits to get 'er real smooth, or more realistically I'll prolley just leave it the way it is
  4. Thanks! Is that Zakk in your avatar? He rules
  5. Where would I hunt for one of those stainless steel polishing kits? Auto parts stores? It would be sweet to get 'er real shiny!
  6. Sweet job! I was looking into using the white color change stuff for my next project. When you say it took 4-5 weeks to cure, that's after the final layer of the top coat before you could polish it? How long did you wait in between coats of primer/colour/clear?
  7. Howdy, I recently bought a Slammer Explorer from a friend of mine for cheap in order to screw around with it (I'm sure none of you have ever done such a thing ). The original plan was to cover the whole top with diamond plate aluminum a la James Hetfield, but that proved expensive and a pain to get a hold of. Anywho, I ended up getting a 8x12 bit of stainless steel from Canadian Tire and started givin 'er with my Dremel and about a dozen cut-off wheels. It looks decent enough (shiny!) but I was wondering if anybody else had ideas of what to do. I've thought of sanding the top to make it extra shiny but I'm assuming that you would have to put some sort of finish on to keep it that way. Maybe even rusty would look cool as long as I can control the rust. Thanks
  8. On a completely random side note, are you the Jehle that was quoted in the recent StewMac catalogue?
  9. I have the Stew-Mac video called Shop Talk 6 and Dan Macrostie (sp/real name?) binds the peghead and fretboard of a mandolin. I think the video is like $10. Anywho, what he does is lays the 2 pieces to be joined so that they overlap where the joint needs to be laying against where they need to eventually go (peghead, etc). He has a jig made, but you could prolley just tape the pieces in place temporarily. He then makes a mark on the bottom piece where the outside and inside edge of where the joint needs to be and connects the lines. He then reverses the 2 pieces of binding so that the bottom piece becomes the top piece in the overlapping. The marking process is repeated and the pieces are cut by slowly nipping away at the strip with a chisel. If you try to chop off too much at once you'll prolley run into problems. The video is sweet and cheap, I would recommend getting it. Any problems with understanding me, shout me a PM.
  10. I'm doing my next guitar with side dots only. It looks really sweet on other guitars so I thought I'd try it on one of mine.
  11. I am under the impression that you can seal huge wood pores (mahoghany, etc) with just the lacquer. Do you put on one or 2 coats and then sand down until just the pores are left with finish, making it look like tons of little shiny spots? Is this the same idea with actual grain filler?
  12. To get a full body covering from Sharp Concepts is $250, and I'm assuming that's Americano dollars. That's like $3000 Canadian, ha! I might check out Home Depot or similar stores (no HD here), what section would they be in I wonder?
  13. Sweet ideas all, keep 'em pumpin. Anyone know where to get diamond plate aluminum for fairly cheap? I'm thinking of like a James Hetfield rip off/tribute.
  14. While they're all mesmerised, you tell them about the t-shirts, CD's, useless paraphenalia on sale for inflated prices...ha! They will be my personal army. Quite useful for getting rid of unwanted persons or for cleaning up the dog's crap. It's win/win really. :
  15. I'm actually getting some of that color changing stuff for my RRV I'm working on. Maybe in another color...hmm skibum-I dunno if I could take all those eyes looking at me
  16. I've heard that can be dangerous I wonder if you could get it printed big enough to fit over the whole body (they're kinda large)
  17. If only I could find an apparatus to make it spin like in the ZZ Top vids (those guys rule!) :
  18. That would be insane for a top!! Prolley a little too pricey for a poor student like me
  19. any ideas for what to do with a POS Slammer Explorer as far as wiring fun? The HB's it has now are junk.
  20. So...I'm buying a junky Slammer Explorer off a buddy of mine for $50 and I'm wondering what kind of fun I can have with it. As I recall, the neck isn't bad, the tuners and pup's suck. For $50 though, you can't go wrong Random crazy mods wanted...Ready? GO!
  21. My music theory prof had a bassoon that was made completly out of flame maple that made perfect rings around the pipe(?). Made me do a little of this That's not the one btw, I wanted to show the pipe/tube that I was talking about.
  22. Ah, 24 votes dudes, 0 votes chicks. I figured as much. 21 year old dude on this end.
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