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Everything posted by SguitarM527

  1. lol of course we both know that. its just fun cause les is a french word... oh french, whya re you so cool?
  2. yeh if its only a hundred bucks... hell id get it, pawn shop guitars rule ass man.
  3. les paul acually makes no sense. les is the plural of the in french, meaning "those" or "these" or just "the, the plural version". its like saying "those paul" in english. how about we compromise and say "the pauls"... er i dunno. theres probably a LP CAD at www.guitarbuild.com
  4. www.guitarbuild.com, download the program turboCAD, and you can either make your own or download plans for it off that samw website
  5. i didnt mean cracks in the pearl, i meant the spaces between the inlays and wood... i would provide a picture but i do not have a digital cameral sorry.
  6. no its not... it just takes alot of patience, and careful maneuvering of the blade.
  7. u can do it with a 9 i konw that... a 10 isnt that much more, you can sacrafice a drill press, i dont use one.
  8. kits are ok although i think its better to build from scratch. but if your ENTIRE budget is $400 forget about it. for my first guitar i spent 500 on parts alone, not including tools.
  9. he can order a pre-slotted nut. straight edges arent hard to find. if hes patient he can get by with a $13 fret installation hammer then the fret levelers. you dont need allt he "proffesional" grade tools, dont discourage him.
  10. ok i dont know if this is normal, but after instaalling my inlays, there are some cracks left aroound the edges. how would i go about filling these cracks if i even should?
  11. i think it is but i cant tell, as long as that router is plunge, yeh those should suffice. all though if you can spare the cash, get a 10" bandsaw, if not 9 is fine. also, get a set of good router bits, i have a set of 30 bits for 100 bucks, its an aweosme kit. get a good set of drill bits too, dont forget the accessories my friend.
  12. yeh strats are 25.5, and prs's (my favorite guitars) are 25". anyways, yeh u wanna make sure that the wood will hold up. maple and such are good for necks, so if your planning on using the wood on a guitar definately get it checked out.
  13. if you ordered a truss rod from stew mac it shouldnt have to be cut. it is installed with the adjuster nut at the headstock, alothough you can put it at the heel... see section in histcocks book about trussrod installation to see how. you just route a cavity down the center of the neck. also: you say you have "timber". what kind of wood did you purchase?
  14. yeh i dont know if its been mentioned, but get the book. book is going to be your god throughout ure project. if you have ANY questions about newbie stuff always ask me at MI, or just IM me at takamine527 on aim. good luck runfromsticks
  15. hey look its run from sticks. im sam from MI. anyways yeh, i was new too just search, itll save you many beatings and stuff. when you have a question like "where should i buy parts from" and stuff search for that too. all the basic newbie questions you should search for.
  16. yeh i use a 10" bandsaw. it works fine... i dont know why you would NEED a 14". it would obviously be nice to have but dont sweat it if you cant afford it
  17. or you can get a guitarbuilding book off of amazon.com. when i realized i wanted to build a guitar, without hesitation i bought the book. i figured, even if i dont go through withit, its usfull knowledge.
  18. hahaha. see this is why i post here. wow, that would have been grounds for a big mistake. ok any other rediculously major mistakes ive made.
  19. im not sure im understanding you... all im saying is that if you use your pinky/ring for the 4/5, and then use ure 1st finger for the low e... i dunno, maybe im just wierd?
  20. sorry i misspelled "mute". anyways, i didnt mean it is stupid, it certainly isnt and im sorry for saying that. what i meant is that it may work for some, but the easier method is clearly just fingerpicking. how is reaching from 2nd fret-5th fret "contorting" your fingers?
  21. books are better than nothing, but in my opinion, if you pay $40 for a book, you would get alot more out of paying $40 for 1 lesson with a teacher. but if its like you said and you absolutely no way cant get lessons, then a book is better than the people who think they can learn from internet forums
  22. ok, all modes have their own sound. its like saying whats up with so many different chords, when you can just play one and itll sound OK. yeh but itll sound better if you use different ones (that was a bad analogy but w/e)... for example, when you listen to pink floyd, they do alot of switching back and forth between, Im, and IV MAJ, and over that, they will just fool around with a dorian mode, (D-D in the key of C)... get the modes off line (mixolidian, dorian, etc) and test em out, to each there own, everyone likes differnt ones. i personally love mixolidian mode i use it all the time when i solo.
  23. theres no wrapped thumb thats stupid you dont need one. just either finger pick, or hybrid pick, either way you cant play the song if you use just a pick (unless you must a bunch of strings)... anyways tears in heaven is a relatively easy song, just practice, and ull get it.
  24. ha, what you just said is EXACTLy what im doing right now for my first guitar, except i hate strats so im building a tele. its awesome ive never had more fun, im glad i took the initiative, stopped asking so many questions before hand and just said hey im gonna build this thing no matter what.
  25. ok after 1 week with the help of my grandfather on my custom guitar, its going great and now im on my own. the body is shaped and sanded, the neck is done, truss rod fitted, tuner holes drilled etc. the inlays are in on my fretboard but i need some advice. a few things: 1.) what should i use to fill in the small cracks around some of the inlays? 2.) once thats done, im very nervous about fretting. im going to take alot of peoples advice and build a fret bending jig. but still, i here that a small screw up could cost you the sound of the guitar, im just nervous to do it. 3.) so once i finally get through fretting i can glue on the fingerboard and start fitting the neck right? thanks, keep in mind ive never done this before and i appreciate the help that this forum has provided along the way.
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