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Please allow me to introduce myself...

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Hello everyone !

I'm new here (just registered a couple of weeks ago) and would like to apologize if I have broken the forum etiquette by just now getting around to introducing myself.

I was simply overwhelmed by all of the information and talent that I found here. I got so excited I just jumped right in !

In any case, My name is David and I am brand new to the world of guitar building, but it is something that I have thought and dreamed about for many years.

I recently began working on my first project guitar and it is going well so far. I decided that I did not want to start with a "kit" guitar. I wanted to get my hands dirty and learn and see something form from nothing so to speak.

I am almost finished with the neck and will soon begin my body cavity routing. I am extremely happy to have found this site, as it has already kept me from making some mistakes.

I look forward to learning much from all of the veteran posters here and hope to be able to contribute myself one day !

Edited by Fender4me
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Thanks for the wlecome guys !

I will post some pics soon. Just FYI I have always been partial to Strats, so its not surprising that my first try is going to be a Strat rip-off using my MIM Strat as a my template (along with much advice and many tips from this site and others as I go along).

I am using two pieces of Ash laminated for the body and Hard Maple for the neck, with a Rosewood fretboard ( I did cheat on that though, bought the fret-board pre-slotted from Stewart-Mac).

I know its kind of Vanilla, but I think I'm getting my feet wet pretty quickly here and did not want to make it too hard on myself. I would really love to do a French Polish on it for the finish, but methinks that might be a bit of over-reaching for my first time out of the gate. I think I had better not exceed my capabilities that far yet.

At this tme I have the neck assembled and just need to do the triming on the fret board and sand it to blend with neck. I also haven't done the shaping on the backof the neck yet, but I'm holding off on that until I get the frets installed.

My biggest problem is not having the proper tools, and not having the budget to really afford them. Luckily I have a great neighbor that I get along with really well and he has a band saw, belt sander, table saw etc... He's been really helpful so far.

So, I am struggling with whether to just get a the basic tools and hammer my frets in or go ahead and sink the money into Stewart-Mac's arbor press system. I know that this being my very first fret job, I would probably do better with the arbor press and cauls, but man its expensive. (and don't laugh at me for this being my first fret job, I know its biting off a huge chunk to chew on, but hey, we learn by doing!)

Maybe you guys can answer this question for me. I see the Stewart-Mac arbor press is like a 1/2 ton press. Is that amount of pressure really neccessary to seat the frets properly ? I had an idea of rigging up an old drill press adapter I have. You know one of those deals that takes a hand drill and turns it into a drill press. I figured I could rig up a 3/8" chuck or post of some kind on it and then just buy the Stewart-Mac arbor and cauls. Do you think this would work or am I dreaming ?

Also, if I get the Stewart-Mac arbor, What cauls do I need. The fret board I bought is a compound radius starting with a 10" radius at the nut and flattening to 16"radius at the heel. Would one 10" caul and one 16" caul be sufficient or would I need at least one in between, like a 12 " or a 12" and a 14" or maybe even more ?

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