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LP with Ibanez neck?

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How stupid would an LP body look with an Ibanez neck/headstock?

Thinking of possible next built.....and just throwing some ideas around.

How stupid would it look?

Well, I think we've all seen things more 'stupid' than that! :D

What the issues I see will be scale length and neck angle. Angle could be fixed up with a shim of sorts but the scale length would get a little messy.

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What the issues I see will be scale length and neck angle. Angle could be fixed up with a shim of sorts but the scale length would get a little messy.

Was thinking building both from scrath, so scale length wouldn't be much of issue.

I just love the Ibanez type neck and headstock and have love for LP body.

Don't like the baseball bat size LP necks.

I donno if it looks cool, probably will figure something out in photoshop just to get the idea.

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Was thinking building both from scrath, so scale length wouldn't be much of issue.

I just love the Ibanez type neck and headstock and have love for LP body.

Don't like the baseball bat size LP necks.

I donno if it looks cool, probably will figure something out in photoshop just to get the idea.

Well, that being considered, it'll look different but I recall seeing an LP Jr body with a tele style stock and though it was different it was aweful. Go for it dude...smells like a GOTM. :D

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I just love the Ibanez type neck and headstock and have love for LP body.

Don't like the baseball bat size LP necks.

Using this quote Icould suggest since you are doing it from scratch, you could make the neck profile thin like the Wizzard, and have the 3+3 headstock like the Iceman or the SCA or just go with the 6 inline it don't look too out of place. One more idea will be to give the LP body S type carving instead of the traditional LP carving, like a modern LP.

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you could make the neck profile thin like the Wizzard, and have the 3+3 headstock like the Iceman or the SCA or just go with the 6 inline it don't look too out of place.

I have though of that too. I was thinking along the lines of a Conklin type headstock.


One more idea will be to give the LP body S type carving instead of the traditional LP carving, like a modern LP.

What do you mean with this Maiden??? I know LP bodies have kinda a carved top with little edge on side. Almost like little skirt.....(not sure how to describe it)

Some are totally flat. Or are those LP copies. I'm not much of a LP expert. I have always shied away from them due to their basball size necks. Just not my cup of tea.

I love the body shape though.

S carving is some flatter JS style, right???

And I think I saw one of the 3 Doors Down guitarists with LP body - Iceman SCA type headstocks once. Must be custom job, I guess. Looked pretty cool.

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Ok, this will be a little thought to explain, btu I mean like the guitar in this link the LP goes like waves, from the top goes down and then sways up a bit before the bind, the S is like an elipse front and back, like if you throw a ball, it goes up then down in a smooth long curve. I haven't seen too many guitars like this but I love it. I thoink it's more beutifull to the eyes than the RG or the JS which is almost the same but a bit roundier.

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