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Buy A Body To Make A Template Buy A Template?

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Hello all,

I have been playing with the idea of building a telecaster...or more than one actually. I have good woodworking skills and intend to build bodies from scratch. I would like to build several out of different woods, some chambered etc. I have big dreams...

At any rate, I was just going to purchase a template from Guitarbuildingtemplates.com when I noticed that usa custom guitars has 3 piece paint grade bodies on sale. That got me to thinking that it would be nice to have a body to compare my progress to - instead of just pictures.

So what do you guys think? Buy a template, or buy a body from usa custom guitars and make my own template?

Thanks - Travis

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Why don't you safe the 100 bucks, use the free cad template and have some people here, whom have built Tele's enlighten you about the depth of certain cavities.

Tele body isn't that complicated, I guess.

Print out cad on scale, stick to piece of MDF.....cut out with jig saw.....some sanding....

Stick template to body.......use bandsaw to cut close to specks.....

Then use router with template bit....(or Robo Sander) and yabba yabba, you're in business.

Specially if you're planning doing a couple with different woods, cavities.......it may pay off to learn how to built them. And if not comfortable with using real body blank.....make pine body first. Nice and cheap.

Read this thread and you're already halfway.


Edited by RGGR
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RGGR - I would totally do what you are suggesting if the cadd drawing was good...but as I see the tele drawing on guitarbuild.com, it shows pickups instead of cavity openings - it doesn't give neck pocket location or bridge mounting holes or through holes for strings etc. Am I missing something with the drawing? I thought i needed to have actually routing dimensions instead of just a finished picture of the guitar. Am I making this too difficult? I know I can cut the body out...it's the drilling and routing of cavities to make things line up and play in tune that I worry about!



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Can anyone help me out with this? I would love to be able to use cadd files to truly start from scratch. For my first few guitars I don't want to "improvise" the locations of pickups and bridges etc... I am a structural engineer..I am annoying when it comes do doing things "correctly"... I hate the thought of building a body and putting the bridge 1/2" too far back and ruining all that hard work.

Thanks guys..


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Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? :-) I am working OT today and have access to plotters and full blown cadd...so it would be wonderful if someone had a good cadd file that I could print out and get started!

Thanks - Travis

p.s. I would gladly trade anyone some sets of DR strings... I have electric and acoustic that I am never going to use. I don't know what sizes they are as they are home...but I know I have 6 sets total I think...some acoustic medium and some electric.

Thanks - Travis

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You're a structural engineer.......and then you wanna depend on someone elses Cad drawing???? :D

You simply should use the Cad as a base. More than just the outline is all you need. The rest is normal guitar building stuff. There are very good books out there

(some listed in here, do search) that will give you all the basics.

You need to understand the basics first!!!!

You're getting nervous cause the cad drawing isn't showing you all the details and specifics. Well........

Say the neck routing:..... You wanna route so your own build (or bought) neck will fit tightly. You wouldn't want to use cad specifications for that (What if they are not correct????) but use neck you have available. So again the cad drawing is just a base.

Bridge location: Is direct result of neck and scale length you're using. You're gonna measure this, 2 -3 times before you route or drill...any holes. I would never use some one elses drawings just like that.

And having access to Autocad (being able to read that file) you also must be able to make some mock ups in autocad with scale lengths, fret locations, bridge positions......make some templates and stick those to the guitar.

Cavity holes, pick-up routes........Look at other people's build logs. Or Fender strat logs on this site......Same principle...same pick-ups, smilar type bridge. Or ask guys here or Fender message boards to shoot you some pics of some specific problem areas.

Building guitar is learning process........it's not finding cad drawing and having every little detail on there. (and even if the have......) you always want to check and double check.

Build one out of pine first.....then you have idea of problem areas.....and those mistakes you won't make on the real deal. B)

There are plenty of people out here willing to help with good advice......but people are weary for people stating: hey I'm a newby......where do I find my wood and a some templates. Most people will not even respond. Ask something specific....and people will be happy to respond. Newbee or no newbee.......

But you gotta do some work too. No silver platters here. And Tele's are not very unique guitars. Pics of the guitar from almost all angle (in different states are available on the net.

And as every guitar store has 456 available you're never short of possibilities to do some measurements. As last resort you always can ask local guitar repair guy, if you can take some pics or measurements if he has Tele in for repair or maintenance.

Good luck!!

Just "google picture search" or "ebay" on telecaster body should give all the info you need.

Look at this.

Ebay Tele body

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RGGR - thank you. I agree with you 100%....that was why I didn't like the cad file...because the one that is on guitarbuild isnt perfect.... And I want perfect...or better than perfect! That was my thought with buying the usacustom body...because I know it would be a great way to make a quality template that I did trust.

I will take a look at ebay and go and take some measurements...thinking about it today at work, the body shape doesn't matter at all does it....the key is like you said ensuring that the bridge is correctly located etc.

As for wood, I have a gorgeous piece of mahogany available for free.....

Mahogany Body Blank

I just don't want to screw it up!

Thanks for the advice guys!


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Travis, the most important dimensions would be:

  • neck pocket location
  • neck pocket depth
  • neck pocket dimesions
  • bridge location

You can find the depth here (search) and on the warmoth site. Once you have your neck pocket sorted out, then you just measure up bridge placement based on the scale of your fretboard. I'm pretty sure you can find the distance from the end of the neck to the front of the bridge here using search as well. What more do you really need?

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