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Finding Wood In Oz

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Hey, or G'day

Im from Las Vegas, Nv but getting ready to go to Australia for vacation for a few weeks. Just wondering if anyone can suggest a good place there to get some lumber to make guitar bodies out of. I know I want some lace wood and not sure where else.

I will be in sydney for a few days and then brisbane, taking a drive to emerald and then back down the coast to brisbane.



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Lacewood!!!!! That is some really plain stuff when it comes to Aussie standards.Try and find yourself some Lacey Sheoake......or maybe some Red Mallee burl.....or possible some nice Corrugata burl......These are only a few of some of the truly great woods from "Down Under"......Here is a link to a fellow I know that imports directly from Austrailia......It will give you some idea of the variety of great woods the Ausies have to offer.


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There are 2 commercial types of Blackwood....Tazmanian and African....I believe that Tazmanian and what you are calling Australian are the same species. Koa(Acacia Koa) and Taz Blackwood( Acacia Melanoxylon)are very similar in many respects....look and workability.....It is a favorite of Aussie furniture makers.....Not cheap either! It is a member af the Acacia family and is used to make some fine acoustic guitars.

Keep in mind that if you are bringing back wood into the US from foreign countries, it may be impounded or quarantined by customs for a period of time so as to make sure you aren't bringing in any unwanted critters or bugs with your wood.


Edited by tdog
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In Sydney,

Annagate Timber Marrickville (Near the Sydney Airport)

Gillett at Botany -Near Sydney Airport www.giletguitars.com.au.

Hendersons timber St Marys - Miles from the airport.

All of the above are very good bunch of people to deal with.They all have someone thats into building guitars.

Good luck

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Thanks all.

Nope never been overseas before. Some freinds from the states are breifly living there so they organized the Brisbane part of the trip and emerald.

So far I haven't been able to find anything from customs prohibiting me bringing timber back. I may ship it just to make life easier.

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