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Maple Blank


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Oh, I understand, but, I was saying 50 is reasonable but the stew-mac price is like 90 bucks just for a strat sized project. warmoth has good blanks but they dont have the maple, I want this bass to be very heavy and hard on the shoulder, not to mention punchy as hell. with a long scale maple neck with it I think i can achieve all that.

Edited by Fluke
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Hi Fluke B) :

Like you see, i´m not live in Usa then i live in Southamerica. Well here no have nothing of Maple ni other exotic woods from the World, just Brazilian, Peruvian and Bolivian Wood (Very Beautiful like Jatoba, Ipe, Mahogany). Searching for Maple, i found a place where buy body blanks and neck blanks from Internet. Is "Exotic Woods" They have 2 pieces blanks and half blanks. The half cost 29.68 (Eastern Flame Maple 2A). Just bought 2 by 59.36... Is the less expensive that i found. Luck in the search.. Regards Bye Bye :D

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Keep looking other places, cause like I said I don't know if he uses 8/4" maple, but I will ask in a couple've days. I nearly lost a finger in a wee table saw accident last night, and the doc said no working for about a week :D. I'll get back to you as soon as I know something. I'm not sure exactly about price, but I'm sure it wouldn't be $50.

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Its kinda funny how we perceive the availability of woods. Here in North America we have maple growing out the yinyang but its considered "exotic" in other parts of the world. Vice versa for wood like mahogany. Just an observation, B) .

I was working in Queen Charlotte Islands one year and a fisherman towed in a 16' X 3' dia. log that he found on a beach walk, west side of the island. It was a mahogany that must've fallen off a freighter. He took it to a local sawmill and got it cut into 2" planks so he could store it on the deck for the ride home. He planned to cut it down further and make a floor out of it. Can you imagine having that much prime wood for guitar building? :D

Edited by Southpa
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Well I wish you luck. That's a fear of mine: cutting off one of my guitar fingers. But cutting the nerves probably hurt like hell, til it went numb at least. But I hope you recover. Anyway, could you set me up with some contact info and the approximate price being asked for the wood? And is it the specified thickness? And are there any blemishes in it (natural finish issue). Hard/Soft?



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Well, I'd buy the wood, then glue it up since you need it jointed/glued for you. I get my wood from a guy that runs a furniture place (my bro works for him), so it's not guaranteed instrument grade. I have gotten some VERY nice pieces from him in the past, because the people buying furniture from him don't pay for great wood, and he thinks the fact that I build guitars is really cool. I've never gotten any bad wood from him before. I'll probably bring the thickness down to whatever thickness you want under 2 inches. Assuming you don't want to thickness it. The grain won't be matched, but I'm assuming you're doing a solid color since you said 3 or 4 pieces was acceptable. I don't know exactly what the price would be...maybe $35?

Edit: we should probably take this to PM, but I noticed one more thing. You asked about blemishes for natural finish issues. I won't really know til I get the wood.

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