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Inlay With Mirror?


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I'm just guessing, but I think it would look weird, since inlays are sanded to conform to the same radius as the fretboard, and you can't sand a mirror, and if you inlayed it deep to be able to leave it flat, I think it would be noticable and probably look...uhh...odd.

But I don't 'really' know one way or the other. :D

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If I do it I will set the mirror deep and cover it with clear acrylic. By odd do you mean just look different or would it look crappy. Give me an honest opinion please. I'll prolly do a test run on some scrap wood just to see how it looks first and I'll post the pics to see what you think. I won't even start on it for a while though because that will be the final touch.

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Acrylic mirror sheet is the best way most likely. Laying mirror flat and placing acrylic over it would be a glue bubble nightmare if any formed between the overlay and glass.

Craig L

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Here are the pics I mentioned.

Pic 1 shows one of the inlays. I first painted the edges silver because that's what you would see through the inside of the transparent acrylic. Then I put a coat of dark brown because that's what you would see through the transparent epoxy in whatever little gap there might be between the inlay and the wood.

Pic 2 shows them inlayed in the scalloped fretboard. Though it's not the most flattering picture, you can see the effect of the silver edges.

Pic 3 shows the finished product when the light hits them just right.

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Those are some sweet inlays, Saber. Plus the scalloped fretboard!?! Oh baby! Not to mention you are a fellow canuck. Ah, warms the heart. :D

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Thanks for all the input, I'm planning on using a pretty big piece for the inlays, along the lines of the pyrimid on the Ibanez Universe. 

And dude that inlay job looks ****** sweet.

Your language will get you a warning there dude :D

Anyway, the pic sucks, but here is a chrome and gold pyramid inlay

It was actually done with mirror chrome, brushed aluminum, and gold. All under clear acrylic


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hey saber, you think i could buy some of that acrylic off ya man? i am going to need some for my jem vine pretty soon, unless you have a website i dont know of? let me know man, thats a killer neck!

Glad you like it! I did this acrylic mirror thing about a year ago, and since then my brother used up what was left of the small piece I had. But you shouldn't have trouble finding some wherever they sell plexi-glas and acrylic sheets like at a Home Depot or something.

Those are some sweet inlays, Saber.  Plus the scalloped fretboard!?!  Oh baby!  Not to mention you are a fellow canuck.  Ah, warms the heart. :D
B):D Edited by Saber
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