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ooohhhh i gots me an idea!!!!!

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this just hit me a few minutes ago

if i drill out the old screwhead inlays on my jem7dbk,

get some new clear inlays, spray the underside with that chrome mylar stuff

talked about here: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...=ST&f=10&t=1224

put new inlays in and tada! awesome 7dbk!

i'll also add an extra dot on the 12th and 24th (3 dots for that alienish look)

will this work ok?

what are the clear inlay things made out of

and how hard is it to drill out the old ones?

thanks peoples!! :D

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Excitable child :D no more Mountain Dew, Pixie Sticks and trips to Disney for you for awhile :D

It will work!

You can always use chrome mylar or vinal for underneath, the cut outs are just plain acrylic plastic. Oh and it is way to easy to drill out the old one's if you have a press, just be careful not to drill down to far and hit the truss rod B)

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Chrome mylar is a vinyl sign material that is self adhesive on one side, basically a big chrome sticker.

The best way to remove the dots I've found is, drill a small hole in the old dots, and then you can just stick a small screwdriver in the hole and pop them out, it's really hard to drill them out and not hit the wood.

However, I believe that the dots in the JEM are metric. your best bet for the new dots are, cut off thin slices from a clear acrylic rod, then it's perfectly round, if you can do that, get a piece of brass tube the right size (I.D) and sharpen one end and cut them out with the brass in a drill.

Clear epoxy is fine, but if you have a TIGHT fit in the holes, some thin instant glue wicked around the edge is all you will need.

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However, I believe that the dots in the JEM are metric. your best bet for the new dots are, cut off thin slices from a clear acrylic rod, then it's perfectly round,

ok i feel really stupid now

but some things about the brass tube aren't making total sense yet :D

if it's used the way i think you mean then what difference does it make if

it's perfectly round to start with

if i'm right then does this mean i need different size brass tubes for each different size cutout?

and do you mean by "the dots in the JEM are metric" that they are all uniform sizes?

sorry, but i just want to be sure B)

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Basically, envision the brass tube as a drill bit, but instead of drilling a hole, it is going to cut a circle, like a cookie cutter would you sharpen one end, so it's like a blade. Then put the other end in a drill press, turn it on so it's rotating, and push it into the clear plastic and it will cut you out a perfect circle, it will probably stay stuck in the brass tube, but since tubes are hollow, you can just push a rod down the other end to pop it out.

As for metric, I mean the DBK dots are probably in millimeters, not inches in diameter. You'll need to find brass tube that has the same inside diameter as the original dots. As I recall, the DBK has 2 different sizes of dots, from 1 to 12 are all one size, and from 13 to 24 are a bit smaller.

As for the perfectly round acrylic rod, if you can find acrylic rod the right diameter, you don't need the brass tube at all, the brass tube is only if you need to cut the dots out of flat clear plastic sheet.

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