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Neon Binding

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This post got me thinking back to this thread http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=12519

and i think both might be possible. im not 100% on how fiber optics work but if you were to use side glow cable you could just run this around the edge (depending on the shape as it may not be able to go around sharp corners) and as using it as fret markers would it be possible to just use the same stuff and have it running down the middle (not 100% on how to do the 12th fret dots) and then plug the marker holes with clear (or even coloured) plastic that lets the light through. and if you had the dots along the top you could possibly do the side dots too.

Just a thought. as im not 100% on how it works just correct me if im wrong.



ADDED: also just found this glow wire stuff seems like that could work too!

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