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George L Cabling


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I've just discovered George L cabling while building my new pedalboard (pics can be posted if anyone's interested!), and I was wondering if any of you use this brand of cable for long distances - eg. 15ft between guitar and pedals, and between pedals and amp?

I'm basically asking - is it gigworthy stuff? Can it take a beating? One thing I like about it is if it does get a break you can just cut it, screw the plug back on and you're away - no soldering. Also, I've heard it's about the highest quality guitar cable known to man, and I'm increasingly becoming a tone junkie in my old age... ha ha!

Any thoughts will be appreciated!

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I am sorry, but I dont have any first hand opionion, but I have heard that they are actually pretty strong. I know Eric Johnson uses them, and I have a friend who uses them, and he saaid they stand up pretty well.

Sorry i cant be of more assistance- BTW, I personally would love to see your new pedal board.


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For pedalboards and rack wiring, I don't think you can find a better cable for the price. As your main cord, I'm not so sure - I have destroyed a couple of George L guitar cords, and while they're easily fixed, they don't really sound any better to me than my "vintage" SpectraFlex, and it's been hanging with me ( occasionaly literally hanging) since 1993 with zero repairs. Of course if you're not manic and clumsy, like me, it might not ever be an issue.

All comparisons based on active electronics and a 10 to 20 ft cord. No endorsement for any commercial product is implied. As always, YMMV.

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Well, as you insist :D - here's my new pedalboard, complete with George L cabling:


It's a pedaltrain (inside it's flightcase in case you were wondering) with the following on it: TU-2 tuner, Keeley Phat-modded Blues Driver, Keeley Seeing-Eye-modded DS-1 Distortion, Line6 MM4 Modulation Modeller and Line6 DL4 Delay Modeller.

I just sold all my other boss pedals, and I doubt I'll be going back - the Line6 stuff is just so compact, easy to use and sounds bloody great.

Thanks for the feedback on the cabling guys - I think I'll give it a try for my guitar cords, it's pretty cheap to import from the US at the moment and it looks easy to manage (ie. won't get twisted or knotted as easily as say, Van Damme cable).

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