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Just purchased a mockingbird neck through body blank. I haven't received it yet but was wondering what to expect as far as the neck to body angle. Do the Mockingbirds have a straight neck to body like the Fender or are they at an angle like the Gibson?

Where'd you get it from ? Please tell me it wasnt Ed Roman :D

Oh , and it should have an angle like a gibson.

Edited by Executioner606
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No. It wasn't Ed Roman. Found it on ebay. Maple neck with purple heart stripes and walnut wings. 1 1/2" thick. This guy must sell more than a few of these on ebay cause there were a lot of good feed back from previous buyers.

:D phew thank god it wasnt ed , for a minute i thought youd been ripped off. Sounds like a cool bird to me.

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last time i was looking at that stuff they were mostly only rough cut body shapes....

considering they were never finished,i wonder what was wrong with them,for him to just give up and sell them


just checked it out...these prices are a little steep,to be polite



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he claims most of his unfinished blanks came from factory closings and stuff like that. since he's obviously in so good with these southern california guitar guys i guess he got first pick (or so he claims). he would much rather hand make you a lawsuit guitar from the ground up and charge you sh*t prices than actually finish a body blank from the actual company because that would mean he would have to charge less in order for all cordialness since he never really had to lift a fricken finger on it except maybe sanding it down and adding its hardware and pickups.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I've finally received this body and neck blank today. Using a straight edge on the neck, I measured the distance between the straight edge and the body where the bridge would be installed and it appears to be about a 1/4". I was expecting it to be a little more. Is this going to be enough?

Edited by idrum4food
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What's wrong with Ed Roman?  Just curious.


Your lucky you didnt ask this on the BCRBB or MCS shredder. All or at least most of his BCR blanks are fake. :D His site said , "Original USA made in the 70's BC Rich Ironbird Bass Body Blank" If you know your BCR history you know the ironbird sure as heck didnt come out in the 70's

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OK, I've finally received this body and neck blank today. Using a straight edge on the neck, I measured the distance between the straight edge and the body where the bridge would be installed and it appears to be about a 1/4". I was expecting it to be a little more. Is this going to be enough?

So, what da ya think.

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