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Thinkin Of Getting This Need Some Opinions


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The Alesis Multimix 8USB 8ch mixer with usb port

i am not doing any professional recording im just looking for something thats easier and better sounding then plugging into my soundcard. Right now me and my freidns liek to just mess around with random instrumwents have a few drinks and see what comes out of it. If anyone has any other suggestions please do tell i just need something to do basic cheap recording and if it coudl hook up to a computer through usb that would also be a plus

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this one is MUCH better. With the other one it's not gonna sound much better than just going into a computer. With the boss you can save it to a camera memory card or go into your computer from a usb cable. I know it costs more but your throwing your money away with that Alesis. Edited by Godin SD
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Ive been having this dilema myself.

I htink the best way is either the M-audio firewire thing


or getting cubase system 4 and finally going legal with a legal copy of cubase and a half decent USB interface.


they are both about the same price and will icrease the quality and ease of your recording. plus you get a full copy of cubase sx with the steinberg yoke.

If they are too expensive tascam, the us122 or somthing like that or any usb or firewire audio interface should do....

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I am in pretty much the same boat as you, just want to lay down some basic guitar and vocal tracks. I have narrowed it down to the tascam us122 or the alesis unit you mentioned. I am probably leaning to the alesis side right now. Either will be fine for just laying down basic tracks, The one thing to consider is if you need midi or not. If you do i'd say go with the tascam.


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