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Looking For David Block

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I need to get in touch with David Block, I was going through some old stuff in the shop and I have a guitar body and neck and some trem parts from him. I think he is located in Minnesota somewhere though I can't remember for sure. The last time I tried emailing was probably 18 months or so ago and all emails were being returned. I was never given instruction on what to finally do with the items, nor was any deposit ever sent. I still have a bill for customs charges on the items shipped to me.

If anyone knows him or if you see this yourself David please somebody let me know some contact info so I get at least get these items back to him.

I need to hear back soon, I've had the items taking up space with the customs charges for well over a year and a half now, the bill needs to be cleared up one way or the other. I've tried contact through the info I previously had with no avail.

Today's date is February 6, 2005, I need to hear back by March 18, 2005 if you want your body and neck back or want work done to them.

Sorry to have to put a date on it, but I need to recover customs fee's on these.

Thank you



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Jeremy, if you do a people search on engines like yahoo or bigfoot, you can probably come up with him.  I just tried the yahoo and got 6 hits with that name, you can narrow it if you know the town he is from, good luck finding him!

Which would be great if I knew the city, I've gone that route and the only one I found in the State I thought he was in wasn't him, I've posted on the forums as a last resort.

Really, after 18 months of him not contacting me, I'm not expecting a lot...... :D

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