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Shielding With Vent Tape


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I purchased some tape at Lowes used for airconditioning and heating systems. I believe it is made out of aluminum. I tested the tape in a circuit to see if electricity will flow through it and it works on a single piece of tape. If you try to complete a circuit across two pieces of tape stuck together, you cannot complete the circuit. Therefore it is not conductive on the back side of the tape. My plan is to shield a guitar with this instead of copper tape (since it is a lot cheaper) and use solder or conductive paint to connect the seams. I just wanted to see if anyone has had success doing this, or if I am running down the wrong path.

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the glue isn't conductive but the back of it is, unless you got the uber crap version they sell ultra cheap i got a huge roll of the good stuff for 3usd. if you take a staple and put it in there it will make both pieces conductive :D

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