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Bridge Location / Schale Length

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Hi all,

i'm building a guitar for a friend, i have fretted the fingerboard for scale length 25.5/648 mm, the bridge is a Schaller Floyd Rose tremolo, now i have to route the neck pocket in the body but i don't understand how to calculate it, if the scale length must be 648 mm i image that the distance from the lock nut and the bridge pivot must be 648 mm but if i try to calculate it here: http://www.stewmac.com/FretCalculator/ and i choose 24 frets and 648mm length

the caculator say that the distance must be: 633.706 mm (±0.5 mm) Why? :D in another words what i have to do when routing the neck pocket?

sorry for my english!! B)

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First you need to know how far away the 24th fret is from where the neck will actually be sitting in the pocket. just measure that and if you have an overhang you add it, and if you don't you subtract it from the distance between the bridge and 24th fret(25.5-19.125=6.375 converted to cm=16.2cm/162 mm).


so if you have an overhang it would be like this:

162+A is how far from the bridge the end of the neck pocket would be, you'd also have to calculate the curve,

if you have no overhang it would be:

162-B is how far from the bridge the end of the neck pocket would be, you'd also have to calculate the curve,

this is all assuming you have a bolt on neck, set necks sometimes have a neck extension rather than a fingerboard extension.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all,

i'm building a guitar for a friend, i have fretted the fingerboard for scale length 25.5/648 mm, the bridge is a Schaller Floyd Rose tremolo, now i have to route the neck pocket in the body but i don't understand how to calculate it, if the scale length must be 648 mm i image that the distance from the lock nut and the bridge pivot must be 648 mm but if i try to calculate it here: http://www.stewmac.com/FretCalculator/ and i choose 24 frets and 648mm length

the caculator say that the distance must be: 633.706 mm (±0.5 mm) Why?  :D in another words what i have to do when routing the neck pocket?

sorry for my english!!  :D

Many thanks.

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I don't know about this, but I always make sure that the distance from the nut to the treble E is the scale lenght, on your case 25.5"(648mm) the measure the Stew is giving you is to the screws on the trem, ans the saddles are a bit behind that, so I guess this is the difference in distance.

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